Maximum PC



Microsoft has confirmed seven different versions of Windows 10 will hit smartphone­s, PCs, tablets, HoloLens, and enterprise devices later this year.

Windows 10 Home is the consumer desktop version for PCs, tablets, and 2-in-1s. Xbox One owners will also be able to play full games on any Win10 PC upon its release. Windows 10 Pro, meanwhile, offers a higher level of control over PCs, tablets, and 2-in-1s, and is geared toward small businesses. Alongside these sits Windows 10 Mobile for phones and smaller screen devices that will function in much the same way as its desktop sibling, thanks to the universal Windows apps used across Windows 10 Home and Mobile.

Enterprise customers will see a dedicated Windows 10 version that builds on Windows 10 Pro with a more advanced set of controls. Windows 10 Enterprise includes features, such as the ability to use Windows Update for Business, to manage the speed at which the new technology is adopted.

This is complement­ed by Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise, which brings a greater level of security and mobile device management, and is flexible when it comes to updating employee mobile devices.

Lastly, Windows 10 Education is similar to Windows 10 Enterprise, except it’s geared toward schools and promises paths for schools and students using Windows 10 Home or Pro devices to upgrade to this version.

Microsoft also confirmed there will be special versions for retail devices like ATMs, point-of-sale, handheld terminals, and industrial robotics. Windows 10 IoT Core will also be released at the same time.

 ??  ?? Release dates will vary between Win10 versions.
Release dates will vary between Win10 versions.

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