Maximum PC


What happens when you take $500 and try to build a 1080p budget gaming machine with either AMD or Intel-based specs? We find out….


REMEMBER WHEN BUILDING A PC was an affordable pastime? Remember when graphics cards used to be in stock? Remember when a reasonable upgrade path used to exist?

MaximumPC remembers…. All joking and old advertisin­g slogans aside, it wasn’t so long ago that these things were a given. It was that age-old argument we could turn to when confrontin­g people who had bought laptops or consoles: We saved money, and got better performanc­e for it in the long run. Oh, if only that were still the case. Go back to our January 2017 issue, and our budget build— complete with Core i5-6500, 8GB of DDR4, GTX 1060, 256GB SSD, and 1TB HDD—came in at an impressive $801. Today? You’re talking $997 at a minimum for an almost identical spec. That’s zero improvemen­t on performanc­e, and a 24 percent price increase, over the course of less than a year and a half. Sad times indeed.

So, what counts as budget today? Well, that’s what we’re here to find out. With both Intel and AMD pushing the boundaries of next-generation CPUs, whether that’s with integrated Vega graphics or more cores than we’ve ever seen before, is it possible to build a gaming machine that functions without a discrete GPU? We’ve already seen what the Ryzen 5 2400G can do, but what about its younger sibling? And AMD aside, how about Intel? Can those additional two cores bring Kaby Lake’s architectu­re into contention with AMD once again? Read on to discover how the competitor­s shape up.

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