Maximum PC


- [READER SPOTLIGHT] – Scott Cortese

I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the numerous articles that you’ve published over the years on building a

PC. I’ve been an avid computer user since I was about 16 years old (my first computer was a Commodore 64), but yesterday was the first time that I built my own PC. Your magazine was extremely helpful in selecting components and building the PC. I also had to refer to a couple of YouTube videos from Newegg Studios and a young man named Joey Delgado for additional informatio­n, but your magazine is what inspired me and gave me the push in that direction.

I took my time with the build and spent about five hours from start to finish. I work as a design engineer in the automotive industry, so I probably spent too much time planning the cable runs, but they all worked out. By far the most difficult portion of the build was connecting the front panel connectors. Some of them were definitely not designed for man-size hands and fingers! I had to take a break and settle down during that portion of the build.

The computer didn’t boot on the first start-up, but the Asus motherboar­d had an LED light, which indicated that something was wrong with the memory. I remember reading several articles in your magazine that this is a common mistake with new builders, and your remedy was spot-on: The memory wasn’t seated properly. The second start-up went fine. I also didn’t have to access the BIOS and modify the boot drive, because the computer went right to the flash drive to install Windows 10.

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