Maximum PC

Looking to the Stars

From watching TV to gaming again (sort of)


LAST ISSUE I SPOKE about dropping the amount of gaming I was doing to just one day a week. I’m glad to say, I’ve actually managed to do it. Language learning is going well, and my future wife is happy I’m spending more time with her too.

We’ve been watching more TV together, particular­ly TheExpanse on Amazon Prime. It is a very good, gritty space action drama set in the solar system, but it got me hankering for some good sci-fi gaming.

I’ve been a StarCitize­n backer since 2017, but I’ve not really played it since then, as there wasn’t much there. But I thought I’d give it a shot again. I jumped into Alpha 3.10, and oh boy have things changed.

There’s multiple planets, moons, cities, mining, contracts, dogfightin­g, cargohauli­ng, personal inventorie­s, first-person shooting, inter-player trade, ground

vehicles, all manner of environmen­ts, food and drink, health, co-op play, shippurcha­sing—the list is endless. It’s huge. It took me probably a week of on-and-off small sessions just to get to grips with it. That said, I am utterly in love. It’s so much fun, bugs and all. I even got my best bud an account, and now he can’t stop playing it either. Last night we picked up a contract to kill someone on a planet. I dropped

down to the surface, landed my ship, and started approachin­g on foot to infiltrate the base. Suddenly ahead I hear all hell break loose. It’s my bro firing like crazy overhead. The noise, the chaos, it was maddening. We jumped out, went inside and began dispatchin­g the guards, before finishing off the contract and heading to the closest spaceport. So if you’re a backer and haven’t visited in a while, it’s worth a shot.

 ??  ?? Star Citizen’s 3.10 patch is still fairly buggy, but there’s so much to do now.
Star Citizen’s 3.10 patch is still fairly buggy, but there’s so much to do now.
 ??  ??

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