McDonald County Press

Fathers, Teach Your Children The Ways Of The Lord

- Lanagan Cove Mission Of Hope

Happy Father’s Day to all you fathers. We pray you had a wonderful day with your family; that’s what it is all about.

Sunday morning, many of our people gave a few words of honor about their fathers. It was a touching time, and all who shared the stories were such a blessing. Some were funny and some were a little sad, but all brought fond memories.

Among the visitors this morning was our daughter, Angela Walters Renwick, who came to honor her father. He was very blessed by her song.

Pastor told about his father being saved at 77, and when he was baptized it was a beautiful experience. When he came out of the water, he said, “I feel like flying.” This should let us know that old and young alike can come to the Lord and his spirit will fill us with joy and peace that we have never known before.

Sister Geneva Testerman told how her mother walked to church with her 10 children. She and her sisters started singing, and her father said he would come to church if they would sing for him. That was the thing that drew him, and he was to eventually give his heart to the Lord. We never know what will lead our loved ones to the Heavenly Father.

We had an anniversar­y of 51 years. Brother and Sister Gibson were celebratin­g this morning, as was Brother Robert who had a birthday. May God bless them with many blessed years.

Pastor Bob spoke this morning about the role of a father. He stressed the importance of setting an example and how a spiritual life is one that is directed by the word of God. Our children watch every move we make and are often very critical of the times when we fall short. As the leader of our family, we see the way children take on the habits of the father, whether they are good or bad.

In Matthew 1:1-21, we follow the story of a very important father. He would raise a son, Jesus, who would save the people from their sins. He was a just man and obeyed the laws of the land, living a life filled with a spirit of love for his family. It is not always an easy task to teach our sons and daughters the right way to be pleasing to our Heavenly Father. We must be sincere when we instruct our children, using love according to the word. The Bible says that it is an awesome thing to fall into the hands of the living God. That is why we need to search the scriptures daily for instructio­n given to strengthen our faith.

Matthew 5:6 tells us “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousn­ess; for they shall be filled.” You are responsibl­e as a father to lead your family in the right path and seek God’s will for their lives. We are being watched by many we meet and may be the only Bible they will ever read. So, on this special day, set new goals for your life and include a plan to be a strong example to all who come in contact with you. Your children are a copy of you. It’s not always easy to walk this walk, but you are never alone. God is there to help you if only you will ask.

We invite you to come to the Cove Mission of Hope and worship with us. I’m sure you will be blessed.

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