McDonald County Press

Well Done My Good And Faithful Servant

Every day in the world we are tempted. We need to stop and ask ourselves what to do. Is it somewhere you would take Jesus? Are you going to crown Him or crucify Him? Are you going to confirm Him or deny Him? No one can ride the fence or remain neutral.

- Kitty Collingswo­rth

As we gathered to worship Sunday morning at Mill Creek Baptist Church, Wayne Johnson opened our service with prayer, and special prayers were requested for J.R. Denny, Jim Brewster, Barbara’s grandchild, Jimmy Easter and a couple of Shelley’s friends. Doug Cory shared a praise.

Linda Abercrombi­e gave the devotional, “Don’t Forget.” She described the queen of forgetfuln­ess and talked about going to a music lesson with no instrument. In keeping our faith, we need to remember Christ’s passion, death and resurrecti­on.

Tyrel Lett asked God’s blessing upon the offertory, and he and Rick Lett served as ushers. Becky Johnson and Karen Gardner led the congregati­onal hymns including, “The Old Rugged Cross.” We were blessed with special music from Jerry and Linda as they sang, “At Calvary,” a capella.

Our pastor, Brother Mark Hall, brought us God’s message, “What Shall I Do,” with scripture from Matthew 27:22. “Pilate said to them, ‘What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?’ They all said to him, ‘Let Him be crucified!”’ Brother Mark talked about Pilate being faced with a decision regarding Jesus. “We will all have to answer the same question. What will we do with Jesus? It is the most important question in this life. The answer to the question is a present decision and a personal decision that no one can answer for you. It is a pertinent decision and your destiny depends on your decision. It is a pressing decision that you have to answer one way or the other. If you don’t answer, it is the same as saying no. It is an unavoidabl­e decision. You either accept or reject Jesus. Every day in the world we are tempted. We need to stop and ask ourselves what to do. Is it somewhere you would take Jesus? Are you going to crown Him or crucify Him? Are you going to confirm Him or deny Him? No one can ride the fence or remain neutral. Are you just trying to avoid a decision if you don’t come to church?”

Brother Mark told us that things really haven’t changed since Pilate had to make the decision. He talked about the voices Pilate heard. “We still hear the voice of reason. Jesus is one of three things to you: a liar, a lunatic or He is Lord. It is a decision that has to be made this side of the grave. The voice of Pilate’s conscious told him what to do and he didn’t. Pilate heard the voice of Jesus. We hear the voice of Jesus today. Reading His word is the same as Jesus telling us Himself. We hear the same voices today. Pilate heard the voice, but he made the wrong decision.”

Brother Mark talked about the values that got in the way of Pilate’s decision. “Pilate made the wrong decision because he was a politician and wanted to please the crowds. He worried about public opinion. The number one reason Pilate made the wrong decision is in Mark 15:15 which says, ‘So Pilate, wanting to gratify the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him to be crucified.’” Brother Mark asked, “How many times have you crucified Jesus to go along with the crowd? Pride is another thing that helped Pilate make the wrong decision. All our power comes from God. We forget that in an effort to make ourselves look good and smarter. Get on your knees and thank God for the opportunit­ies and advantages that come your way, instead of patting yourself on the back. Everything we have comes from God not because we think we are superior. Pilate was afraid of losing his possession­s. Pilate made the wrong decision because of public opinion, his own power and pride and his position and possession­s.”

Brother Mark told us that Pilate condemned himself because he tried to pass the buck and not make a decision. He knew what was right, but he didn’t do it. “The first time Jesus came before Pilate; Pilate didn’t want to decide, so he sent Jesus to Herod, who sent Him back to Pilate. It is an unavoidabl­e decision. You have to decide, you can’t just pass the buck. People will admire Jesus, but there is still a decision to make. When Jesus knocks on your heart’s door, you can either let Him in or lock Him out. It is a big decision — the biggest one you will ever make — the decision between heaven or hell. What are you going to do with Jesus? You will have to decide. Will you take Him with you everywhere? He is not a part-time Savior. He is an all-the-time Savior. Don’t trust public opinion, your billfold or pride with your eternity. Trust Jesus with your eternity. Don’t worry about the world’s values; there aren’t any. Look and learn from where Pilate went wrong in his decision about Jesus. Pilate knew what was right, but he let other voices and values get in the way of the right decision.”

“Softly and Tenderly” was our hymn of invitation, and Jerry gave the benedictio­n.

Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. and the worship service at 11 a.m. Everyone is welcome at Mill Creek Baptist Church, which is located three and one-half miles east of Noel, just off Highway 90.

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