McDonald County Press

Justice For All In Due Time


Life is not fair. Injustice abounds. We yearn for fairplay, and we cry out for justice. Before we get too bent-out-ofshape, we need to realize that it’s been like this since the beginning; injustice is a direct result of Adam and Eve’s sin — they rebelled against God’s authority and broke His rules for right living.

So, as long as sin exists in this world, there will be unfairness and injustice.

Every person on Planet Earth has, at one time or another been treated unfairly. Every person on Planet Earth has suffered injustice, has not been treated justly. That’s because every person on Planet Earth has sinned against the Creator God.

Also, the fact is that every one of us is guilty of treating other people unfairly and unjustly. Try making a list of how many times we have been treated unfairly or suffered injustice. Try making a second list of how many times we have treated someone else unfairly and inflicted injustice on them. Guess which list will be the longest. Injustice is not limited to any one nationalit­y or race, nor limited to anyone’s age or gender.

There is a big difference between actual injustice and perceived injustice. Justice is getting what we deserve, based on proven facts. Our parents have specific rules that we children are expected to follow. These rules are meant to keep us safe from harm. When we defy their authority and break their rules, we are punished. That is actual justice. As a child, we think that we are the victim of an injustice. Not so, based on the facts. We’re actually getting what we deserve. One must be very careful about crying out against injustice rememberin­g that, when we point one finger at another, all the other fingers are pointing back at us.

As an adult, how are we to deal with injustice? (1) We should pray for those who treat us unfairly; (2) We should learn to love our “enemies” and try to understand them; (3) We should make sure that we treat others fairly and justly — we cannot control what another person does, we can only control what we do; (4) We can seek God’s forgivenes­s for our sinfulness — which leads us to treat others unjustly; (5) We must strive to speak out, and to work for fairness and honesty, justice and righteous living.

Finally, we need to realize that only God can erase sin and the injustice which our sin causes. There will come a day when sin shall be no more, God will render His judgment on everyone and there will be justice for all.

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