McDonald County Press

White Rock


First Grade

Dear Santa,

I would like a tablit for Christmas. Please bring me a snow globe. I have been a really good boy.

Love, Dylan

Dear Santa,

I would like a Apple phone for Christmas. Please bring me cats. I have been a good boy.

Love, Nehemiah

Dear Santa,

I would like a kitten for Christmas. Please bring me it. I have been a really good girl.

Love, Peyton

Dear Santa,

I would like a goat for Christmas. I have been a really good boy. Please bring me a goat.

Love, Kollin

Dear Santa,

I would like a LEGO set for Christmas. Please bring me a toy train set. I have been a really good boy.

Love, Walter

Dear Santa,

I would like a jewelry box for Christmas. Please bring me a desk. I have been a really good girl.

Love, Baylie

Dear Santa,

I would like a dog for Christmas. Please bring me a dog. I have been nice, kind, and polite. I have been a good boy.

Love, Cash

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a haverboard? I want it to be pink. I will like a big drone. I will like two big unicones. I have been a good girl.

Love, Liliana

Dear Santa,

I would like a laege set for Christmas. Please bring me a buch of cars.

Love, Ashton

Dear Santa,

I am so happy that it is amost Christmas. I want a big candy can. I want a pink robe like my Mama’s robe. I want a Barie car. I want it pink pleas.

Love, Laney

Dear Santa,

I want a drt bike. I want a moknchl kar. I want a moknchl robot.

Love, Rylan

Dear Santa,

I wut a dinuslr end a a mostr trhuc end a modrsicl and a red ldegos is inuf.

Love, Briik

Dear Santa,

Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for bringing pesents. You are nice.

Love, Richard.

Dear Santa,

Thank you thank you thank you! Thank you bringing us presets evry year. Here is two things I want for Christmas. I want a jagwirse hat and a jagwirse jursee.

Love, Dayce

Dear Santa,

I love you Santa. You are my fravit Santa. You are like my frind Santa. You are the best Santa and I ho that you are my oley Santa. You are my best frind Santa. You are my Santa.

Love, Jacob

Dear Santa,

You are so nise and thegnec you for the toys i geose and I done.

Love, Tommy

Dear Santa,

You are the best one ever. I bileve in you. You are kind to me and wate I want for Christmas is a gotecort and a bay blad set and a geme thats a t. rex geme and a geme thats a moster truck geme. Love, Regan*

(Back reads: I love you Sante. You are the best one ever Sante. I will give you a prasent to you. I love you. You are nice Sante.)

Dear Santa,

I whut lagos an mabe oso bay blad.

Love, Dawson Dear Santa,

I can have r boxr. Love, Achillies

Dear Santa,

I love Christmas. It will be fun and it will be better. And I will get a car.

Love, Dayton

Dear Santa,

Santa plese plese let me have a toy dinoseer and I wanct vertrel reealadi glasis.

Love, Jon Dear Santa,

I wont a big nif gun. I lso wont anuthr wun. Uthrs wish for both uv us. I am yor frind if yor ok with ite. Ad a intindo swich. Ad borbese grl.

Love, Mikael

Dear Santa,

I want Magoman nintindoe game and a loge marvl avenjrs two game.

Love, Dean

Dear Santa,

I wat a fish for Crismis. And I wat a stuft anuml skwl for Crismis. And I wat a stuff anuml elth.

Love, Maylei

Dear Santa,

You are so nise. I love you Santa. I am so aside fur Christmas. I like Christmas Day. I wut a mecenchowe­r fooweler.

Love, James

Dear Santa,

What I whnt for Crismis is a new pupeye and doxe and for evereye onw to have a grate Crismis.

Love, Brayden

Second Grade

Dear Santa,

Can I please have a chocolate reindeer for Christmas? I used to have one. Thank you!

Love, Natalie Dear Santa,

I would like a laptop for Christmas. Please bring me a laptop but you dont have too. I have been a good girl.

Love, Anberlyn

Dear Santa,

How are you? I would like to have walkies. I would also like to have a tablet. Thank you for these presents! Slam.

Love, Gunner

Dear Santa,

I want a toy train with a track. Love, Mark

Dear Santa,

Jo jo sewol stuf. A pink fegr elige. A fon with a Justin Bevr foncas. A stuff animal cats. A eff on a shelf.

Love, Kaylee

Dear Santa,

I wut a ton horse for I kan rinit an I wut fine ont it.

Love, Joselyn

Dear Santa,

I would licke a xaphore. I would gold fish. An yorn. And a a valin.

Love, Emily

Dear Santa,

Fegr elige. Cat stanmal. A eff on a shaf. Nike suas and Nike wuit bants. Hachamols.

Love, Natalie Dear Santa,

I wete a urth 22. And a rolls on the butt of your shows. And I wete a soter thet hes seetc.

Love, Jaxton

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like a Nintino 3.d.s and a smart phone. Oh and a Mister C, can I have harry potters wand. Pleeeeeeas­e.

Love, Brentn

Dear Santa,

I love you. I would like walkie talkies. I would also like a computer. I would also like robotics!

Love, Daron

Dear Santa,

I want to ask for a bike and toys. A hat. A helmet.

Love, Skye

Dear Santa,

I would like to have a new x-box. I winnt have a girl deta. I hope you have a good time in the magic sleigh!

Love, David

Dear Santa,

I want some nerf guns. I would also like a big hugg dinasaur. I would like a big car. I can sit in and drive around. I would like minecraft and a tablet. Thank you.

Your friend, Calan

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