McDonald County Press

Praying For Discernmen­t

- By Kevin Wilson

There are so many things happening in the government world right now that it would be hard to pick just one or two to write about. From stupid comments by socialists to the war over the border, and throw in the absurd situation in Virginia, this is a bonanza for commentato­rs. But yet, I’m not going to write about any of them. I have more important things on my mind than what bizarre thing Ocasio-Cortez might come up with next.

It has been almost five years since I was first diagnosed with cancer, and it has been quite a journey — one that I would not have chosen but one that I got, neverthele­ss. Along the way, I have had so many people walk with me and lift me up with their thoughts and prayers. Not a week goes by that someone somewhere doesn’t ask me how I’m doing. It is humbling to know that there are so many people thinking about me.

On the journey, I have had highs and lows and it has been pretty bumpy from time to time. But, every time I get low, someone will touch me and lift me up. That is what is so amazing, and non-believers think it is coincidenc­e while I know it is God’s hand touching my life through people around me.

I decided early on in the journey that I would share as much as I could about what was going on in my life so I might have an impact in some manner for someone else facing challenges. It doesn’t have to be cancer; it can be any hurdle that people might be facing. We all need to be there to lift them up and carry them sometimes.

Last week was one of those bumps that have arisen from time to time on my journey. I am heading back to Houston in the next couple of days to start a new, very successful treatment for my kind of cancer. That was the plan anyway, but now it may not be the direction my journey takes. There may be a different fork in the road to take.

MD Anderson called to tell me that I have some small nodules in my cranium. They think that they have been there all along but they “lit up” a little on my last scan. They are not the problem; it is the challenge that they represent with my new treatment.

My new treatment is an infusion, and the radioactiv­e material seeks out the tumors wherever they are and covers them and chokes the blood source — causing them to disappear, shrink or at least quit growing. All good so far. But they had a patient with a similar pathology as I do, and he had a bad reaction to the treatment. I asked them what kind of bad reaction and sure didn’t like the answer — loss of hearing and vision. I would call that a bad reaction for sure.

If the tumor is too close to the optic and auditory nerves, then bad things happen when it is exposed to radiation. The good news is that they found this before the treatment. The bad news is that the treatment might not be a fit for me. There are other treatments available but this is the answer to getting rid of these little buggers.

I am writing this not to ask for you to feel sorry for me — God has a plan and it’s better than anything I or the doctors could ever come up with. But, I could sure use some prayers of discernmen­t as to what exactly is God’s plan. My sister told me that God will tell me what to do. I believe that but, being human, I sometimes have problems recognizin­g the answer until later. And I don’t have “later” to make this decision.

On Wednesday the 13th (13 is actually my lucky number), I have an MRI to give us a better understand­ing of exactly where these tumors are located. Then we will meet with the doctor to discuss what is the best course of action. This is pretty scary stuff, folks, and I will admit that it has hit me like a sledgehamm­er.

At church today, one of my prayer warriors prayed that I get a big green neon sign that will tell me exactly what I should do. I just need to be receptive to seeing that big sign flashing in front of me.

I have been told several times that I am one of the most prayed over persons around and my response has always been “what’s wrong with that?” So, once again, I ask for prayers for discernmen­t and to be able to use this new hurdle in my journey to help someone else who needs to be lifted up.

Thank you, my friends, and may God bless each of you!


On the journey, I have had highs and lows and it has been pretty bumpy from time to time. But, every time I get low, someone will touch me and lift me up.

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