McDonald County Press

The Palm Sunday Parade


It’s Palm Sunday! Welcome to the Palm Sunday Parade! We’ve set up our broadcast booth here on the hillside overlookin­g the holy city of Jerusalem. From here, we can look out over the Holy City — rows and rows of houses; the business district on the right; to the left is Herod’s palace; and in the heart of the city is the Temple of Jehovah, gleaming like gold in the morning sun. As we turn our cameras the other direction, we can look out across the Kidron Valley. Thousands of pilgrims are streaming into the city. Everyone has come here to celebrate the Passover!

We all know the story behind this celebratio­n! Centuries ago, the people of God were slaves in Egypt. They cried out to God to save them, and God did! God “plagued” Pharaoh until he released the slaves; God sent the Death Angel over the land — many people died that night; only those who had the blood of the sacrificia­l lamb marked on their doorpost were saved! God “passed over” the faithful! So, each year God’s people celebrate, and remember how God saved them from slavery and brought them freedom!

Wait! We’ve just received word that Jesus has left the village of Bethany and is headed this way. Some say he’s the Promised One, the Messiah!

Many in this crowd expect Jesus to proclaim himself king. Expect him to lead a rebellion against mighty Rome. Expect him to usher in a new day of freedom! There are others who say that Jesus is nothing more than just a great teacher. Yet, everyone expects Jesus to cause trouble here at the Passover!

While we’re waiting, we have some background material on this controvers­ial man. He was born in a back-water town, Bethlehem, under strange circumstan­ces. King Herod tried to have him killed but the family escaped to Egypt. Years later, the family returned to settle in another small town, Nazareth; and we all know what they say, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” About three years ago, this Jesus “heard God’s call” and became an itinerant preacher. Since then, Jesus has traveled all across this land, teaching, preaching, healing, performing miracles. This has led many to believe that Jesus is indeed the Messiah, the Son of God! Many others simply say that Jesus is no more than the human son of Joseph. Whatever you choose to believe about this man, his teaching and his actions have caused quite a controvers­y!

Just a moment! I understand that Jesus has been sighted! Here’s our reporter down on the main road.

“We can see Jesus clearly; he’s getting on a donkey — our sources say that his disciples were sent into the city this morning, and secured this particular donkey by some prearrange­d signal. People are clearing a path for Jesus. The crowds are lining the road into Jerusalem; they’re shouting and singing and throwing palm branches in front of Jesus — rolling out the red carpet for the King. Can you hear what they’re shouting? ‘Hosanna in the highest! Make way for the Messiah!’ Jesus is passing right in front of us now. This should be a joyous day for him, but I can see tears in his eyes as he nears the Holy City.”

Well, there you have it! The Palm Sunday Parade! The crowds continue to stream into Jerusalem. One can’t help but wonder what will happen to this man Jesus. Will he make peace with the authoritie­s? Will he tone down his message of repentance? Or will he continue to be the center of controvers­y? Will the authoritie­s have him put to death?

What does our television audience think? Is Jesus simply the son of Joseph or is He truly the Son of God? Is he merely a teacher or is He the Savior? How we answer will make all the difference in our lives!

“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel!’ Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: ‘Do not be afraid, Daughter Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.’” John 12:13-15

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