McDonald County Press

Accept What Is And Be Thankful

- By Kevin Wilson Kevin Wilson is a former state representa­tive who was born in Goodman and now lives in Neosho. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

“... I know that God has a plan better than anything I can come up with. We have to remember that He is in control — not the Democrats or the Republican­s, the liberals or the conservati­ves.”

I still hear folks thinking that somehow Trump is going to pull a rabbit out of his hat and win the presidency. As much as I would like to see that happen, I think that everyone needs to accept the fact that Joe Biden is going to be inaugurate­d on January 20 next year as our next president.

I don’t think that there is any doubt that there were shenanigan­s with regards to the election but what you know happened and what you can prove are two different things. Of course, the Dems will swear up and down that there is no such thing as voter fraud — even as they are presented undisputed facts that there was.

But again, what you can prove is different than what happened. And, I’m not sure there is enough fraud out there to change the election results so we need to accept the inevitable. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t ferret out the fraud and underhande­d tactics, but I just don’t see anything changing.

So, since we are going to be stuck with a Democratic president for the next four years, we just need to pray that the people of Georgia come through in January and help the Republican­s hold the Senate. I already wrote similar sentiments last week so just venting a little bit for my own good.

But, this might not be all bad. I am enjoying the civil war that has already broken out in the Democratic Party. The far-left socialists feel like they elected Biden and now they expect to be paid back. Bernie Sanders, AOC and others have already made that very clear. They don’t expect to be put at the kids’ table at the family dinner — they expect a place with the grown-ups.

One newly- e l e c ted congressma­n said that the blacks elected Biden and now it was time for payback. He wasn’t subtle at all. He just put it right out there — you owe us and we expect you to come through.

Of course, the old guard (Pelosi and Schumer) would rather talk about things other than the far-left socialist agenda that Bernie and others are pushing. They understand that duplicity rather than transparen­cy will better advance their agenda. Especially when you have two Senate elections coming up. They would prefer that the socialist kids kept their mouths shut until at least after the election.

I think that hearing from the far left for the next two years will be enough to give Republican­s back the House in the mid-year elections. That’s why I think this might be a good thing.

And besides, I know that God has a plan better than anything I can come up with. We have to remember that He is in control — not the Democrats or the Republican­s, the liberals or the conservati­ves. God is in control of all things — even if many think we are foolish for believing such things. What they believe is unimportan­t; our faith is all that matters.

Even though the pandemic might make Thanksgivi­ng different this year, we still need to thank God for all He has blessed us with — as individual­s and as a country.

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