McDonald County Press

Do You Make Room For Jesus?

- By Kitty Collingswo­rth Opinions expressed are those of the author.

As we gathered to worship at Mill Creek Baptist Church Sunday morning, Debra McKenna and Doug Cory were celebratin­g birthdays and Skip and Debra were celebratin­g their 34th wedding anniversar­y. Special prayers were requested for Steve Powell, Philip, Dusty and Finley, Helen, George and Jimmy Easter.

The adult Sunday school lesson was “God Expects” a study of Isaiah 58:1-12. As we applied the text, “Ritual worship apart from obedience displeases God and ultimately leaves worshipers empty and disillusio­ned, meeting the needs of others in obedience to God brings honor to God and satisfacti­on comes to those who obediently follow God. It is possible to be involved in the right kinds of activities and still not be right with God.”

Linda Abercrombi­e shared the devotional “Simple Folks Like Us” and read II Corinthian­s 9:8. God uses simple folks just like you and me. The scripture reads “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficienc­y in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”

Karen Gardner and Susan Cory led the congregati­onal hymns and Jerry shared special music, “The Prodigal Son”, as well as Renae Sherman and Karen who sang, “Pass It On”.

As Pastor Mark Hall read the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:25-35, he told us that was part of the greatest sermon ever preached from the Sermon on the Mount. “Who’s on First” was the title of Sunday’s message as Brother Mark focused on verse 33 (“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousn­ess, and all these things shall be added to you.”) and asked two questions. First, “Do you believe this is true?” And second, “Does your life prove that you believe it? Seek God first and He will take care of it.”

Brother Mark told us that in the United States, 205,000,000 people identify themselves as Christians. “Is that hard to believe? Most people don’t seem to have room for Jesus today.” He referred to Luke 2:7 when there was no room at the inn for Jesus, Luke 4:29 when there was no room for Him in Nazareth, Matthew 2:12 when there was no room for Him in Bethlehem and Mark 5:17 when there was no room for Him in Gadarene.

Brother Mark said, “Everyone wants Jesus’ help but they don’t want to help. They want blessed without being a blessing. They want a Jesus credit card with buy now and pay later. They want their prayers answered without going to the house of prayer. They seem to have no room in their schedule for Jesus, but they want Jesus to fit them in His schedule for His help. Does that make sense? We are not saved by doing good works, but saved by grace. However, we are saved to do good works of every kind. We are called to do Jesus’ work. The Jesus work we do, we do for people but we do it unto Jesus. Not all of those people are deserving, but Jesus is.” (Brother Mark referred to Matthew 25:31-46.)

Brother Mark told us that if you ask God to show you how to love Him, He will put someone in your path and tell them to love you. “Our love for God is fulfilled in our love for our neighbors. Jesus should be first for us to love others even more. The more you love Jesus, the more you love others. Remember, you are not saved by doing good works, you are saved to do good works. You will get weary, be disappoint­ed and dishearten­ed by some, but you do it for Jesus.”

Our hymn of invitation was “Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go” and Rick Lett gave the benedictio­n.

We hope that you have a blessed and healthy Thanksgivi­ng and count your blessings.

We invite you to worship with us at Mill Creek Baptist Church located three and one half miles east of Noel just off Highway 90. Everyone is welcome. Worship service begins at 11 a.m. and Sunday school at 10 a.m.

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