McDonald County Press

Wake Up The Sleeping Giant Within You

- By Joyce Walters Cove Mission of Hope Opinions expressed are those of the author.

Pastor challenged us to wake the sleeping giant within us, making reference to Matthew 28:18-20. This tells that Jesus said all power is given to me in heaven and in earth. So you must go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Are we obeying these commands? Are the churches going forth to gather the lost? So many are as the sleeping giant. They have the power which is given as it says in verse 18, so why are we not about the Father’s business? A giant is strong and capable of doing many things that common man cannot.

Just look at this situation. The giant has power but, if he sleeps, he accomplish­es nothing. Verse 19 says, “Go wake the churches and tell them to work while there is time. We have the power after we have received the Holy Ghost, and we must go forth to see things done.

Acts 1:18 assures that being filled and receiving the power makes us worthy for battle against evil. John 16:13 says that the same spirit, the spirit of truth, will show you things to come. Read God’s word and learn of what is to come when the sleeping giant wakes. That means that, when the church wakes and shakes itself, it will do great things. The only thing that is required is to call upon that power within you. Loose that spirit and you will see things that the carnal man cannot comprehend. Don’t hold back the giant, that is wanting to come forth to achieve the will of the Father. Speak what God gives you and you will be surprised at the results.

If you will search the scripture, you will find we need to spend time at an old-fashioned altar to receive the perfect will of God. You will find that the more time you spend there, the more that giant will wake. God has a plan for those who are always looking for the next step. But those who slumber are found weak and unable to stand in the gap wherein God has placed them. Be careful lest you find yourself satisfied with little when God desires to give you much. The word says seek and you will find. Are we digging deeper into the word or will we one day hear him say depart from me, you worker of iniquity. I know you not? Where do we stand with the Lord? Are we doing our work well or just skimming by? It is time to check out the giant within you and see if you are pleasing the Father.

How sad it would have been if David had chosen the wrong stone when he came against the giant. He had several stones in his little leather bag. But only one was the stone to find the place in the forehead of that old giant to cause him to fall to the ground. He was dead from a single stone thrown from the sling of a small boy. How was this done? It was because he had the power of the spirit in his body and soul. That is the secret to victory in a battle with the enemy. Do we have powerful stones to fight the enemy that comes against us in every day’s affairs? It takes much to overcome the temptation­s put before you, gather those stones and tell Satan to back off, you are a child of the King and covered with the blood of Jesus Christ. That’s how we put him under our feet and go on to obtain the victory.

We have a job to perform, we must go forth and tell the lost that there is no hope in this life lest you know and accept Jesus as your Savior. Our hope lies where our treasures are. Where are your treasures? Stop before you answer, and examine yourself! Do you really know where your hope lies? It is time to wake the giant and go to work for the Lord. Encourage the downhearte­d, lift those who are failing in the ways of the Lord, and reach out to the broken-hearted; help them to rise above the shadows of this life.

In closing, Pastor Bob again reminded us that unless we wake the sleeping giant, we will never have victory over Satan who desires to destroy us.

If you want to hear more about God’s word, come worship with us at the Cove in Lanagan, Mo., on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible study is held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday. You will be blessed.

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