Miami Herald (Sunday)

These are our recommenda­tions for the upcoming Aug. 28 primary


Early voting in Florida’s primaries ends Sunday. Election Day is Tuesday. The Editorial Board is publishing its recommenda­tions as a guide as voters in Miami-Dade make their final decisions. We interviewe­d almost 50 candidates, from the Democratic candidates for governor — the Republican candidates declined to be interviewe­d — to candidates for School Board and County Commission. We heard from veteran politician­s and firsttime candidates, including those propelled into politics by February’s horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Senior High.

Though Gov. Rick Scott’s Senate run has gotten most of the headlines, he has a primary challenger, Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, who this year has filed to run for the U.S. Senate in nine state primaries.

Our recommenda­tions are arranged by what registered Republican­s and registered Democrats will see on their individual district ballots.

Everyone gets to vote in the nonpartisa­n races and in those in which there is no generalele­ction challenger from another party. The primary winner gets the seat. Some races might end in runoffs. Our recommenda­tions are available online at miamiheral­ Either way, take the list to the polls.

As we wrote when we first rolled out our recommenda­tions, the path to making them is long, sometimes arduous: But, ultimately, it is always rewarding to see so many people plunge into the democratic process to put forth their vision of a better Miami-Dade, a morerigoro­us School Board, a more-equitable Florida, a more-representa­tive America.

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