Miami Herald (Sunday)

Is bruising normal after getting hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers?

- BY LESLIE BAUMANN, M.D. Special to the Miami Herald

Whether you want a more pronounced pout or a smoother, youngerloo­king complexion, you might be thinking about getting hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. This common cosmetic treatment can temporaril­y smooth away lines and creases around your mouth, add volume to your cheeks and plump and reshape your lips.

While more and more women and men alike are opting for HA fillers, it is important that you choose a reputable provider and understand the side effects and potential complicati­ons in advance.


Most people experience some amount of bruising and swelling after getting HA fillers. The severity of these side effects depends on the treatment location, how your body reacts to treatment and how well you prepped for your appointmen­t.

A few easy things you can do before and after getting fillers to reduce swelling and bruising are:

Don’t take NSAIDs, vitamin E supplement­s, St. John’s wort or other anticoagul­ants for at least 10 days before your appointmen­t.

Consider eating foods like spinach, kale and pineapple in the days leading up to your filler appointmen­t. These foods may help to reduce bruising.

Consider taking arnica supplement­s to help reduce inflammati­on, swelling and bruising.

Avoid strenuous physical activity for at least two days after getting fillers.


While serious complicati­ons from HA fillers are rare, they can happen. The best way to reduce experienci­ng a serious complicati­on is to choose a reputable filler provider, ideally one who works under a board-certified dermatolog­ist. Do not go to “filler parties” or “Botox parties” hosted at someone’s home.

Vascular occlusion is the most serious potential complicati­on from fillers. Nearly immediate pain and skin whitening are the two most common symptoms of this condition. When caught and treated early, vascular occlusion can be managed.

Delayed nodule formation is another complicati­on associated with HA fillers, although this condition usually takes several weeks to present itself. If you experience painful lumps under your skin after getting fillers, contact your medical provider.

Vision changes and vision loss happen rarely and can be reversed if treated early. This may occur if the filler is injected into the retinal artery, and symptoms will likely happen while you are still at your provider’s office.


This informatio­n is not meant to scare you, as serious complicati­ons from HA fillers are rare, especially when you go to a reputable provider.

However, you should be aware of the risks and possible complicati­ons ahead of time so that you know what to look for and how to tell the difference between normal swelling and bruising and what might be something more serious.

If you are ever concerned with any side effects you may experience after getting fillers, don’t hesitate to contact your medical provider.

For more skincare tips and advice from Dr. Leslie Baumann, be sure to follow Baumann Cosmetic on YouTube, or follow @BaumannCos­metic on Instagram or Facebook.

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