Miami Herald (Sunday)

U.S.-Iran relations at a low point


Harley Lippman, who extols the Trump administra­tion’s failed actions against Iran in his April 24 opinion, “Praise Trump, Democrats, for doing the right thing as he confronts Iran,” deserves a reality check.

The nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administra­tion was supported by Europe, Russia and China (an incredible diplomatic feat unmatched in any way by President Trump) and brought a halt to Iran’s nuclear expansion.

With the return of billions of dollars held by the United States, the moderates in Iran were given the breathing room to move the country forward to democratic reforms, and with oil sales

Iran could integrate with the world economy and see more gain for its people than in funding rebel and covert activities in the region.

Instead, Trump has given Iran’s hard-right leaders every reason to believe only nuclear deterrence can prevent them from being bullied by America and Saudi Arabia. The re-imposition of sanctions on Iran and their economic partners has brought further hardship on the Iranian people, something Lippman never mentions.

The presence of U.S.

Navy ships in the Persian Gulf as “safeguardi­ng America and its citizens” is a mere article of faith.

Lippman blames the Democrats for the Iran War Powers Act even though it was passed by the House and Senate and was a bipartisan response to the assassinat­ion of top Iranian commander Soleimani, the one Iranian who had the standing to negotiate a peace deal in the region.

The region is now a more dangerous place, the people of Iran suffer greater hardship, and we have nothing but military threats to check Iran’s nuclear ambition.

– Ralph Remis, Miami

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