Miami Herald (Sunday)

Dry lips under your face mask? Try these three quick tips

- BY MATT HILL Coventry University BY LESLIE BAUMANN, M.D. Special to the Miami Herald

Falls are a common cause of injury in older adults and can lead to disability. Luckily, the risk of falls can be reduced with regular exercise – but not all exercise. Our latest study shows that socalled eccentric exercise – such as walking downhill – may temporaril­y increase the risk of falling.

Every activity we do requires our muscles to either shorten or lengthen. For example, when we climb a flight of stairs or get out of a chair, our muscles contract and shorten (a concentric contractio­n). Our muscles also lengthen during movements – an eccentric contractio­n. When we walk downhill, descend stairs, or go from standing to sitting, the muscles in our thighs lengthen under the load to slow the body down, like brakes.

However, eccentric contractio­ns can cause short-term muscle damage and sensations of muscle soreness, particular­ly if it’s been a while since you were last physically active.

For example, if you aren’t used to walking downhill or performing a squat, you will experience muscle soreness. This soreness may occur a few hours after exercise, and can last for several days. This pain is called “delayed onset muscle soreness,” or DOMS. Typically, exercise involving primarily concentric contractio­ns, such as cycling, does not cause substantia­l DOMS.

While DOMS is perfectly normal, new evidence from our laboratory shows that eccentric exercise leads to muscle weakness and impaired physical function in older adults, which may increase the risk of falls for several days.

In our study, we compared the effects of two types of exercise: those involving mainly concentric contractio­ns (walking on a level surface) with exercise involving mainly eccentric contractio­ns (downhill walking). We also looked at the effects of these types of exercise on short (30 minutes) and long-term (24 and 48 hours) recovery of muscle strength, balance and physical function in adults aged 65-78 years.

We recruited a total of 19 healthy older males and females who were not

We don’t yet fully understand how and why eccentric contractio­ns cause a loss of physical function that persists, but we think that it’s due to damage to certain structures in the muscle that enable movement. Inflammati­on inside the muscle – which takes time to develop after exercise – may also be a cause.

While regular exercise is important for good health and longevity, older adults should be mindful that exercise can temporaril­y increase the risk of a fall and lower physical function.

Many common daily activities, such as descending stairs or walking downhill, rely almost exclusivel­y on eccentric muscle contractio­ns, which means they carry a higher risk of falling. However, this isn’t a reason to lose hope. Subsequent eccentric exercise performed days, weeks, or possibly even months after an initial bout results in less muscle damage and soreness in the future. Frequently performing strength-building eccentric exercises, such as squats, are very effective in older adults and mayreduce the risk of falls in the long term.

Republishe­d from The Conversati­on, an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. are a problem for you, try these three quick and easy tips to soothe your lips.

1. Use a moisturizi­ng lip balm. Look for a moisturizi­ng lip balm that contains both humectant and occlusive ingredient­s. Humectant ingredient­s like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and aloe work by drawing moisture to your skin and lips. However, these types of ingredient­s can make your lips even drier if not combined with occlusive ingredient­s like beeswax or argan oil, which act as a physical barrier so that moisture cannot escape.

2. Avoid irritating ingredient­s in lip products. When choosing your lip balm or other lip products, avoid ingredient­s that can make dryness and irritation worse. Ingredient­s to avoid include:


Cinnamon oil Capsaicin (used in temporaril­y lip plumpers) Menthol


Some dyes

3. Drink plenty of water. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day! This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to help your skin and lips stay properly hydrated.

Bottom line:Dry lips are a common problem for many people when wearing face masks. Fortunatel­y, the above quick and easy tips should help to relieve dryness, flaking and irritation.

For more skincare advice, follow Baumann Cosmetic on YouTube or @BaumannCos­metic on Instagram or Facebook.


 ?? ETHAN HYMAN ?? A recent study of older adults shows a delayed and prolonged increase in the risk of a fall following downhill walking.
ETHAN HYMAN A recent study of older adults shows a delayed and prolonged increase in the risk of a fall following downhill walking.
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ANDY NEWMAN AP Tinted sunscreens can help protect against the sun’s UV rays.

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