Miami Herald (Sunday)

Civil rights pioneer



Gloria Richardson, an influentia­l yet largely unsung civil rights pioneer whose determinat­ion not to back down while protesting racial inequality was captured in a photograph as she pushed away the bayonet of a National Guardsman, has died. She was 99.

Tya Young, her granddaugh­ter, said Richardson died in her sleep Thursday in New York City and had not been ill.

Young said while her grandmothe­r was at the forefront of the civil rights movement, she didn’t seek praise or recognitio­n.

“She did it because it needed to be done, and she was born a leader,” Young said.

Richardson was the first woman to lead a prolonged grassroots civil rights movement outside the Deep South.

In 1962, she helped organized and led the Cambridge Movement on Maryland’s Eastern Shore with sit-ins to desegregat­e restaurant­s, bowling alleys and movie theaters in protests that marked an early part of the Black Power movement.

“I say that the Cambridge Movement was the soil in which Richardson planted a seed of Black power and nurtured its growth,” said Joseph R. Fitzgerald, who wrote a 2018 biography on Richardson titled “The Struggle is Eternal: Gloria Richardson and Black Liberation.”

Richardson became the leader of demonstrat­ions over bread and butter economic issues like jobs, health care access and sufficient housing.

“Everything that the Black Lives Matter movement is working at right now is a continuati­on of what the Cambridge Movement was doing,” Fitzgerald said.

Richardson was born in Baltimore and later lived in Cambridge in Maryland’s Dorchester County — the same county where Harriet Tubman was born. She entered Howard University when she was 16. During her years in Washington, she began to protest segregatio­n at a drug store.

In 1962, Richardson attended the meeting of the Student Nonviolent Coordinati­ng Committee in Atlanta and later joined the board.

In the summer of 1963, after peaceful sit-ins turned violent in Cambridge, Gov. J. Millard Tawes declared martial law. When Cambridge Mayor Calvin Mowbray asked Richardson to halt the demonstrat­ions in exchange for an end to the arrests of Black protesters, Richardson declined to do so. On June 11, rioting by white supremacis­ts erupted and Tawes called in the National Guard.

Richardson was on the stage at the pivotal March on Washington in 1963 as one of six women listed as “fighters for freedom” on the program.

She is survived by her daughters, Donna Orange and Tamara Richardson, and granddaugh­ters Young and Michelle Price.

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