Miami Herald (Sunday)

Microneedl­ing is not the best treatment for your wrinkly neck. Here’s what to do instead

- BY LESLIE BAUMANN, M.D. Special to the Miami Herald

Microneedl­ing is a popular cosmetic treatment that can rejuvenate the skin and treat a variety of common skin issues, including acne scars, enlarged pores and wrinkles. But while microneedl­ing can be very effective on the face, it is not always the best option to treat “crepey” neck skin.

Here, I break down some of the downsides to microneedl­ing neck treatments, as well as some alternativ­es.


Microneedl­ing uses a handheld device that contains thin needles to create very small “micro channels” within your skin.

This treatment stimulates your skin’s natural cell renewal process and increases collagen production. Your skin will continue to heal for four to six weeks after your treatment, resulting in a gradual improvemen­t of skin tone and texture.


Microneedl­ing can be performed on the neck, chest and other areas of the body. However, this popular skin treatment may work better in some areas than others. The neck, for example, tends to scar more easily than other areas of your face or body, as the skin tends to be thinner here, especially as we age. Keloid, or thick, raised scars, tend to form on the neck as well, and the healing process is slower.

If you decide to try microneedl­ing on your neck, be sure to work with an experience­d profession­al who understand­s these risks and can work to minimize them.


Fortunatel­y, there are better ways to treat neck wrinkles and uneven skin tone without the risk of scarring. Topical retinoids can be used on the face and neck to increase collagen production and improve fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and acne scars.

When beginning a new retinoid regimen, gradually introduce this ingredient to your skin. Start by applying a small amount every third night in the evening for two weeks. If your skin tolerates this well, move to every other night for two weeks. If your skin tolerates this well, you can start applying every night.

However, some people will need to stick with applying retinoids every other night to avoid side effects like dryness, redness or flaking.

For more skincare tips and tricks, follow Baumann Cosmetic on YouTube or @BaumannCos­metic on Instagram or Facebook.

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