Miami Herald

Iraq sectarians join both sides in Syria


BAGHDAD — Militant Sunnis from Iraq have been going to Syria to fight against President Bashar al Assad for months. Now Iraqi Shiites are joining the battle in increasing numbers, but on the government’s side, transplant­ing Iraq’s explosive sectarian conflict to a civil war that is increasing­ly fueled by religious rivalry.

Some Iraqi Shiites are traveling to Tehran first, where the Iranian government, Syria’s chief regional ally, is flying them to Damascus, Syria’s capital. Others take tour buses from the Shiite holy city of Najaf, Iraq, on the pretext of making a pilgrimage to an important Shiite shrine in Damascus that for months has been protected by armed Iraqis. While the buses do carry pilgrims, Iraqi Shiite leaders say, they are also ferrying weapons, supplies and fighters to aid the Syrian government.

“Dozens of Iraqis are joining us, and our brigade is growing day by day,” Ahmad al Hassani, a 25year-old Iraqi fighter, said by telephone from Damascus. He said that he arrived there two months ago, taking a flight from Tehran. The Iraqi Shiites are joining forces with Shiite fighters from Lebanon and Iran, driving Syria ever closer to becoming a regional sectarian battlefiel­d.

Lebanon, which has 100,000 Syrian refugees, was pushed to the brink this month when a Sunni intelligen­ce chief was assassinat­ed in a bombing many there blamed on the Syrian government and its allies in Lebanon. Jordan, sheltering more than 180,000 refugees, has struggled to contain the violence on its border, which claimed the life of a Jordanian soldier in a firefight with extremists last week. Turkey, with more than 100,000 refugees, has traded artillery fire with Syria since Syrian shelling killed five civilians near the border early this month.

Many Iraqi Shiites increasing­ly see the Syrian war — which pits the Sunni majority against a government dominated by Alawites, an offshoot of Shiite Islam — as a battle for the future of Shiite faith. This sectarian cast has been heightened by the influx of Sunni extremists aligned with al Qaeda, who have joined the fight against the Syrian government much as they did in the last decade against the Shiite-led Iraqi government. “Syria is now open to all fighters, and al Qaeda is playing on the chords of sectariani­sm, which will spur reactions from the Shiites, as happened in Iraq,” said Ihsan al Shammari, an analyst and professor at Baghdad University’s College of Political Science.

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