Miami Herald

French government gets anti-sexism lessons


PARIS — First there was Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who allegedly referred to women as “material,” then catcalls in the French Parliament just because a female government minister wore a floral dress.

But when this month the French agricultur­e minister — in an interview about promoting gender equality — suggested that women couldn’t get their heads around technical jobs, that was too much.

The prime minister of France — a country which produced feminist icons such as Joan of Arc and Simone de Beauvoir — has decided that his ministers need to go back to school for anti-sexism classes.

On Jean-Marc Ayrault’s orders, the Equality Ministry has set up a series of 45-minute gender equality “sensitizat­ion sessions,” during which ministers are being trained

to identify sexism in daily life and taught how to avoid sexist stereotype­s in political communicat­ion.

Organizers said that it’s a full class, with all 38 ministers signed up or in the process of registerin­g. In the interest of gender equality, the female ministers are going, too.

The goal, said organizer Caroline de Haas, is that ministers take time to think about sexism. “If you’re not vigilant, de facto inequaliti­es are created,” she said.

De Haas said 80 percent of politician­s interviewe­d on French TV and radio broadcasts are men. She said she wants to fight against the “illusion” that France “has almost achieved equality” between men and women. France is now trailing in an unimpressi­ve 48th place on the Global Gender Gap equality list.

Earlier this month, in an interview with L’Express magazine, France’s Agricultur­e Minister Stephane Le Foll sparked controvers­y by saying: “I’ve tried to promote women as much as possible, even though some of our dossiers are very technical.” Though Le Foll said his words were taken out of context — given that the interview was on the subject of gender equality — they neverthele­ss caused outrage and went viral on Twitter.

As far as the public is concerned, sounds like some ministers need instructio­n.

“I’m not proud, but it’s good [the lessons are] happening,” said Nicolette Kost, 33, in central Paris. “After all, at such a high level in French government nonsexist attitudes should just come naturally.”

The lessons are “positive . . . since France is so far behind other European countries,” said Edwige Bernard, 57.

Some ministers have already taken the training, which includes a slide show, such as Labor Minister Michel Sapin and Justice Minister Christiane Taubira. Taubira’s office declined to comment about the minister’s training.

President Francois Hollande — whose partner is one of the only working French first ladies in recent times — has made equal gender representa­tion in government a key part of his election manifesto. Half of his Cabinet members are women. And this summer the Socialist-led Parliament pushed through legislatio­n that made antiharass­ment laws in France more robust.

The lessons are “a good PR [public relations] stunt by the Socialists,” said Victoire Monnoyer, a 20-year-old student in Paris. “To know if it works, we’ll just have to wait and see.”

 ?? MICHEL EULER/AP FILE ?? France’s President Francois Hollande, second right, and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault pose with women of the Cabinet after the first weekly Cabinet meeting, at the Elysee Palace in Paris.
MICHEL EULER/AP FILE France’s President Francois Hollande, second right, and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault pose with women of the Cabinet after the first weekly Cabinet meeting, at the Elysee Palace in Paris.
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