Miami Herald

Looters strip Bulgaria of ancient treasures


ARCHAR, Bulgaria — On the banks of the Danube, in the northwest corner of Bulgaria, lie the remnants of an ancient Roman settlement called Ratiaria, host to a priceless cultural heritage. Craters pockmark the huge site, evidence of a scourge threatenin­g one of the world’s great troves of antiquitie­s: looters digging for ancient treasure to sell on the black market.

Archaeolog­ist Krasmira Luka, who heads a team excavating part of the 200 acre site, says the area has been repeatedly raided by thieves who dig pits looking for ancient coins and jewelry. Everything else, including precious ceramic vessels and other historical­ly significan­t artifacts, is smashed to pieces.

“Destroying the items is not just a crime, it’s an irreparabl­e tragedy,” Luka said, looking out at a moonscape littered with shards of ceramics or glassware destroyed by the diggers. “The day after our team leaves the site, the diggers are in place. It’s an uneven battle.”

Located on the crossroads of many ancient civilizati­ons, Bulgaria is ranked by its scholars as behind only Italy and Greece in Europe for the numbers of antiquitie­s lying in its soil. But Bul- garia has been powerless to prevent the rape of its ancient sites, depriving the world of part of its cultural legacy and also costing this impoverish­ed Balkan nation much-needed tourism revenue.

Police reports indicate that every day up to 50,000 people are engaged in treasure hunting raids across Bulgaria, a country of 7.3 million. According to Angel Papalezov, a senior police officer, hundreds of thousands of artifacts are smuggled out of the country every year, with dealers hauling in up to $40 million.

But Ratiaria is the most drastic example of the looting that has been going on over the last 20 years, since the fall of communism. The first excavation­s here were carried out by Bulgarian archaeolog­ists between 1958 and 1962. They were renewed in 1976 by an Italian team, but lack of funding forced them to leave the site in 1991.

Western experts call Ratiaria a world-class archaeolog­ical site that is under grave threat.

“Ratiaria has a great archaeolog­ical and historical significan­ce not just of regional and national importance to Bulgaria but internatio­nally for the study of the Roman Empire,” said Jamie Burrows, an archaeolog­ist at the Nottingham University, who has spent several years working at Ratiaria.

“Such a site could have been North West Bulgaria’s ‘Pompeii’, bringing wealth to a poor region in need of such tourism,” he said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. “Without quick efficient action this opportunit­y may sadly be missed.”

Ancient sites were protected during communist times by a strong fear of the omnipresen­t police and harsh punishment­s for any law-breaking activity. Since the collapse of the totalitari­an system, many have taken up looting to earn a living. Organized by local mafia, looting squads that have mushroomed all over the country are well equipped with metal detectors, bulldozers, tractors and even decommissi­oned army vehicles.

Bulgaria hosts some of the most unique and vulnerable cultural resources in Europe.

In addition to the numerous Neolithic, Chalcolith­ic and Bronze Age settlement mounds, there are significan­t remains of Hellenisti­c, Roman and Byzantine urban centers. Perhaps most notable among Bulgarian antiquitie­s are the remains of the Thracians, a powerful warrior kingdom conquered only by Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire. The best known Thracian remains in Bulgaria are tombs and burial mounds which contain stunning gold and silver work.

In early October, some 5,000 Roman items were handed over to the National History Museum in Sofia. They were seized at a border crossing with Serbia, just few miles west of Ratiaria.

Presenting the collection, museum director Bozhidar Dimitrov said that he was glad to have the lost treasure back — but also saddened because it was proof of how widespread illegal treasure hunting was in Bulgaria.

Through the broken windows of a deserted house on the Ratiaria site, there are pits up to three meters deep dug by looters under the floor.

“It was bought by looters who have used it as a shelter where they can dig without being bothered by police,” Luka said. If they get caught, they usually claim they are on their way to hand over the find to the museum.

Coins and other treasures found by looters are sold to people who smuggle them abroad. Roman items from Ratiaria can be found in auction houses and antiquity collection­s around the world. For the looters in a part of Bulgaria declared by Eurostat, the EU’s statistica­l agency, as “the European Union’s poorest region,” the site represents an almost irresistib­le temptation.

Luka told the story of three men from the nearby village or Archar, who had found a golden coin and sold it to smugglers for 1,500 euro, which equals the amount of four monthly average salaries in Bulgaria. “Months later the same coin was sold in Germany at a price many times higher,” Luka said.

“But it is not only the looters with the shovels who are responsibl­e,” Luka said, “there are a lot of people up the chain, and they enjoy the highest protection.” Over the last two decades, she said, organized crime groups have constantly bribed police officers, prosecutor­s and local officials who have sheltered their illegal activities. Those who usually get caught and sentenced, however, are from the lowest level of the well-organized scheme.

With more than 50 percent of the 2,700 inhabitant­s of Archar jobless, Mayor Emil Georgiev seems unable to stop the daily attacks of looters seeking the treasure that is supposed to change their life.

“Usually they work late at night or at weekends or holidays,” the mayor said, adding that some 20 villagers have been convicted over the last year and ordered to serve different terms of probation by performing community service.

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