Miami Herald

Cancer patients overestima­te value of chemothera­py, study says


NEW YORK — Most patients getting chemothera­py for incurable lung or colon cancers mistakenly believe that the treatment can cure them rather than just buy them some more time or ease their symptoms, a major study suggests.

Researcher­s say doctors either are not being honest enough with patients or people are in denial that they have a terminal disease.

The study highlights the problem of overtreatm­ent at the end of life — futile care that simply prolongs dying. It’s one reason that one quarter of all Medicare spending occurs in the last year of life.

For cancers that have spread beyond the lung or colon, chemo can add weeks or months and may ease a patient’s symptoms, but usually is not a cure. This doesn’t mean that patients shouldn’t have it, only that they should understand what it can and cannot do, cancer experts say.

Often, they do not. Dr. Jane Weeks at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and researcher­s at several other Boston-area universiti­es and hospitals led a study of nearly 1,200 such patients around the country. All had been diagnosed four months earlier with widely spread cancers and had received chemo.

Surveys revealed that 69 percent of those with lung cancer and 81 percent of those with colorectal cancer felt their treatment was likely to cure them.

Education level and the patient’s role in care decisions made no difference in the likelihood of mistaken beliefs about chemo’s potential. Hispanics and blacks were three times more likely than whites to hold inaccurate beliefs.

Federal grants paid for most of the research.

In an editorial that appears with the study in Thursday’s New England Journal of Medicine, two doctors question whether patients are being told clearly when their disease is incurable.

Patients also may have a different understand­ing of “cure” than completely ridding them of a disease — they may think it’s an end to pain or less disability, note Dr. Thomas Smith of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr. Dan Longo, a deputy editor at the medical journal.

“If patients actually have unrealisti­c expectatio­ns of a cure from a therapy that is administer­ed with palliative intent, we have a serious problem of miscommuni­cation,” they write. “We have the tools to help patients make these difficult decisions. We just need the gumption and incentives to use them.”

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