Miami Herald

House GOP plan would levy surtax and cut top tax rates


WASHINGTON — The long-awaited simplifica­tion of the tax code being drafted by House Republican­s would slash the top income tax rate to 25 percent from 39.6 percent and impose a surtax on some of the nation’s wealthiest households.

Under the proposal, set for release Wednesday, the vast majority of taxpayers would see little change in the ultimate size of their tax bills, according to a nonpartisa­n congressio­nal analysis of the legislatio­n. But the tax system would be dramatical­ly simpler, with seven existing brackets collapsed into just two, set at 10 percent and 25 percent.

The plan would impose a 10 percent surtax on certain types of earned income over roughly $450,000 a year. The surtax would hit many salaried profession­als, such as lawyers and accountant­s, while dodging farmers and manufactur­ers — as well as the super-rich, whose income is often derived primarily from interest and investment­s. The analysis by the congressio­nal Joint Committee on Taxation, reviewed by The Washington Post, does not indicate which of the hundreds of tax breaks that litter the code would be sacrificed to clear the way for the lower rates. But it does show that the legislatio­n would achieve some of the most important goals of its author, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich.: a simpler code that lowers rates and collects roughly the same amount of money for the government — all without burdening the poor or unduly benefiting the rich.

“Not only did we meet that goal, but 99 percent of all filers are going to be subject to a rate of 25 percent or less,” said a Republican aide familiar with the plan, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the legislatio­n before its official release. “Ninety-nine out of 100 is a pretty good grade.” The release of the legislatio­n will mark the culminatio­n of nearly three years of work by Camp and his GOP colleagues on the committee. Since Republican­s took control of the House in 2011, a tax overhaul that would cut the top personal and corporate tax rates to 25 percent has been high on the GOP wish list.

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