Miami Herald



The Pulitzer Prize for investigat­ive reporting should be awarded to the Herald’s Julie K. Brown for breaking and pursuing the Jeffrey Epstein story. The Herald continues to set the bar of reporting high, with well-researched, clearly written stories and a dedication to excellence.

The July 9 Open Mic certainly affirms the value of quality reporting, with letters to the editor from Florida, Texas, Canada, California, Oregon, Brazil, Illinois, New Jersey, Missouri, Maine and Georgia.

Continue your high standards in reporting.

– Merle Ulery,

Miami persona.

– Patrick Alexander, Coral Gables


The U.S. Women’s Soccer team should decline any invitation to the White House after its World Cup victory. The current occupant is just “not their type.”

They are popular with almost all Americans. They are young, in great physical shape, able to run up and down a soccer field without bone spurs on their ankles or worrying about messing up their hair. They don’t brag about sexual conquests or college grades, and Michael Cohen has never been their lawyer.

After 17 women has made allegation­s of sexual harassment against President Trump, we still don’t know what his type is.

We’ll have to ask Jeffrey Epstein or Howard Stern.

– Harry N. Turk,



What if Alex Acosta’s rise to dean of FIU Law School and then labor secretary was not in spite of the Epstein settlement? The possibilit­y that his success was because of the deal he made is even more disturbing.

Is it a coincidenc­e that powerful people besides Epstein were given immunity and kept out of the case and the press? Some of the people associated with Epstein, including the president and British royalty, are in a position to ruin a life or reward loyalty.

Why did it take the Miami Herald and not the FBI to investigat­e and bring to light the settlement given without notifying victims? Not notifying victims is a crime, not a mistake. We all make mistakes, but crimes are supposed to put us behind bars, not get us appointed to powerful positions.

Acosta shouldn’t have to resign; he should be charged criminally and also civilly by the victims he let down and the victims who came afterward, while Epstein should have been behind bars. Epstein is a sick person and is a risk to teenage girls. The real shame is there are probably girls that he molested after he was released from jail. – Mark Fabian, Palmetto Bay


When the president of the United States defies the legislativ­e and the judicial branches of government, which were designed to keep the executive branch in check, the question becomes: When do we begin to to kneel or bow and address him as Comrade Trump?

– Amoy A. Skinner,



In the early 20th century, W.B. Yeats wrote in his poem “The Second Coming” that “the centre cannot hold,” a line that has been interprete­d many ways over the years. Today, it seems an appropriat­e phrase to describe our political dilemma.

On the left is the Gimme Party, which wants a free lunch, and on the other side is the Greed Party, which likes to kick dogs when they are down. Neither of these appeal to the sane and reasonable people who, between these two radical poles, form most of the populace. Despite this fact, the majority seems to have no voice.

The left and the right are so involved with their selfish wants and desires, they are putting greed before governing.

We are doomed as a species if the center cannot hold.

James Williams – Miami


Kudos to your investigat­ive team for its dogged pursuit of the truth in the Jeffrey Epstein cover up. Its persistenc­e may lead to opening a Pandora’s box of child traffickin­g and possibly take down a score of corrupt and evil predators. If Epstein rolls, many, including President Trump and Alex Acosta, hopefully will get their “just deserts.”

I’m sure the Herald already has the undying gratitude of the victims, but the rest of us thank you for your pugnacious diligence. You are a credit to decency and to the Fourth Estate. – Paul Rastellini, Somerville, MA


Re the June 7 opinion column “We can’t be so bored with Trump and rape that we ignore E. Jean Carroll’s allegation:” No, we should not be bored, but we should not be ignorant.

Cyrus the Great did free the Jews from the Babylonian­s and establishe­d a tolerant empire stretching from the Mediterran­ean to the Hindus River. He was not an obscure royal but a descendant of kings. He was a Zoroastria­n, not prone to impose his religion on his empire and respected the customs and religions of the conquered lands.

We are already insulting Iran enough these days. At least, let’s respect its history. – Vilma Pesciallo, Miami


Kudos to the Miami Herald, especially to Julie K. Brown, for the amazing and thorough investigat­ive report about Jeffrey Epstein and his lewd activities with vulnerable underage girls and how this pedophile got away with it, in part because then-U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida Alexander Acosta.

I hope and pray that Epstein will get the punishment he deserves. I also hope that Acosta will face some consequenc­e for his lack of action.

Everybody should be horrified by this despicable crime, especially those of us who have daughters and granddaugh­ters.

God bless our free press. Keep up your amazing reporting, Miami Herald!

– Carmen Jacobson,

West Kendall

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