Miami Herald

Daughter frowns on mom’s relationsh­ip


Dear Abby: Iama 54-year-old single woman who recently started dating again after four years of total abstinence. My two adult daughters, ages 18 and 22, live at home with me.

My dilemma: I am smitten, to say the least, with an attractive, supportive and very loving man. I have invited him over and introduced him to the girls, which went well until the other night, when my 22-year-old overheard us being intimate (her bedroom is next to mine). There was no screaming or anything lewd, no nudity or PDA, but I happen to have a slightly noisy bed.

She now refuses to sleep in her room and sent me a text telling me she wants to live with her dad because she thinks it’s disgusting.

I’m not sure how to feel. On one hand, I think she needs to grow up, but at the same time, I don’t want to be the cause of her discomfort.

I explained to her that

I’m happy after being alone for so long and perhaps she could be happy for me. My partner thinks she’s jealous of our new relationsh­ip. The 18-year-old couldn’t care less.

My question is, am I behaving inappropri­ately? Don’t I have just as much right to enjoy my home as they do? — Getting Back to It in New York

Dear Getting Back: I can see how your young adult daughter might be uncomforta­ble being confronted with her mother’s sexual activity, to the musical accompanim­ent of squeaking bed springs. Most people have a hard time accepting their parents as sexual beings. You didn’t mention whether your daughter’s father would welcome this daughter moving in with him. If he’s all for it, that would be the way to deal with her discomfort.

Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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