Miami Herald

Floridians win rare victory against utilities

- This editorial originally was published by the Tampa Bay Times.

The Florida Public Service Commission has actually lived up to its name by rejecting anemic energy conservati­on goals proposed by the state’s major electric utilities. The existing goals are not much better, but a win is a win.

The question is whether this rare victory for consumers paves the way for more ambitious change or merely gives the power companies another opportunit­y to flex their muscle with the Legislatur­e.

In a surprise move, the commission last week rejected plans by the utilities that would have all but eliminated a state program designed to help customers save energy — and money.

By a 4-1 vote, the commission rejected its own staff recommenda­tion and determined that the proposed efficiency goals were tantamount to abandoning the conservati­on effort all together.

It was a rare rebuke by the commission to Florida’s major utilities.

Regulators decided instead to maintain the current modest conservati­on targets and work with the Legislatur­e to modernize the Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservati­on Act, which requires the state to set conservati­on goals for the utilities every five years.

The move was a refreshing break for the PSC, which has long acted more as a lapdog for the industry than a watchdog for consumers.

But it should not have been a tough decision. Most of the utilities proposed energy-reduction goals of “zero” or nearly zero for the coming period.

Florida Power & Light, which serves much of South Florida, requested a 99 percent decrease.

Duke Energy Florida requested a 15 percent reduction from its target in 2014, the last goal-setting session.

Four of the seven utilities subject to the law proposed goals of zero for the 2020-2029 period.

Not only were the targets lower than in 2014, but the targets back then were lower than the period before. Had commission­ers signed off on zero as a goal, they might as well have closed shop and resigned. Keeping the goals at their current dismal levels at least buys time for the state to start taking conservati­on seriously.

After all, why would the utilities change on their own when the state continues to embrace policies that make Florida a lagging outlier on conservati­on, with the second-worst performanc­e in the Southeast, and where efficienci­es as a portion of electricit­y sales are about one-fifth the national average?

The commission’s action dovetails with the call by Florida Agricultur­e Commission­er Nikki

Fried to overhaul the state’s approach to setting energy efficiency goals.

Anything that raises the targets would help.

Yet Florida’s problem is not a lack of statutory and rule-making authority. It’s the unwillingn­ess to use it.

How this improves by throwing the issue into the legislativ­e arena, where the utilities enjoy outsized influence and freely contribute to legislativ­e candidates, is unclear.

The commission vote was a testament to the thousands of letters from local officials, activists and residents who were rightly incensed over these meaningles­s goals.

That same, sustained public outcry needs to be directed to legislator­s and other state officials in Tallahasse­e who now have even more reason to act on behalf of consumers.

 ?? FPL ?? FPL workers installing energy-conserving solar panels in Charlotte County.
FPL FPL workers installing energy-conserving solar panels in Charlotte County.

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