Miami Herald

Trump: U.S. to impose metal tariffs on Brazil, Argentina

President Donald Trump said he’d raise tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Brazil and Argentina. He said those nations had taken actions that disadvanta­ge U.S. companies.

- BY ANA SWANSON New York Times


President Donald Trump said on Monday that he would impose tariffs on steel and aluminum from Brazil and Argentina, a move that would shatter previous agreements with those countries and widen a global trade war that the president had appeared ready to scale back.

Trump, in a message on Twitter, accused Brazil and Argentina of manipulati­ng their currencies and hurting American farmers. “Therefore, effective immediatel­y, I will restore the Tariffs on all Steel & Aluminum that is shipped into the U.S. from those countries.”

The United States exempted Brazil, Argentina and other countries from the president’s sweeping metal tariffs in March

2018, with the United States saying it would continue negotiatio­ns with those countries to improve their trade terms. In May 2018, the United States announced that it had reached an agreement with Brazil and Argentina that would cap their metal shipments at a specific volume each year.

But the president’s move suggested that neither previous agreements nor political alliances would guarantee insulation from Trump’s trade wars. Brazil and Argentina are also facing serious economic troubles, but those too were no defense.

The new clash with South America came on the same day that a report from the Office of the United States Trade Representa­tive declared a French tax on technology so onerous that retaliator­y tariffs as high as 100 percent on French wines, cheeses and handbags would be justified. The report did not impose such tariffs but cleared the way for Trump to do so if he chooses.

Trump’s announceme­nt on steel and aluminum was particular­ly jarring to Brazil’s conservati­ve populist president, Jair Bolsonaro, who had gone to great lengths to strengthen ties with the Trump administra­tion, with little to show for it.

“Aluminum?” Bolsonaro asked when reporters presented him with Trump’s tweet. “If that’s the case, I’ll call Trump. I have an open channel with him.”

Dante Sica, Argentina’s minister of production, called the move “completely unexpected.”

“I was in Washington last week, and I talked to a lot of people, and there was no sign whatsoever that there would be any kind of change,” he said.

On Wall Street, stocks dropped by the most since early October, after economic reports suggested that the American economy continues to face significan­t headwinds. The latest gauge of manufactur­ing activity from the Institute for Supply Management, a trade group, showed a contractio­n for the fourth consecutiv­e month in November. The S&P 500 index closed down 0.9 percent. Real estate, industrial and technology companies suffered the steepest drops.

It is unclear what prompted Trump to reverse previous agreements. But last week the Brazilian currency, the real, fell to a record low against the dollar after the country’s economic minister signaled that he was not concerned about exchangera­te fluctuatio­ns. Argentina’s peso has weakened with the country in the midst of an economic crisis.

Economists and government officials have rejected the idea that Brazil and Argentina are intentiona­lly manipulati­ng their currencies. But currency movements have made Brazilian and Argentine goods cheaper to buy abroad, a dynamic that is particular­ly important for the agricultur­al sector and the United States’ trade war with China.

China is a major purchaser of American pork, soybeans and other agricultur­al goods. As the United States and China have slapped tariffs on each other’s products in a more than yearlong trade war, China has shifted to purchasing products from Brazil and Argentina instead, a move that has rankled Trump and other American officials.

“I gave them a big break on tariffs, but now I’m taking that break off because it’s very unfair to our manufactur­ers and very unfair to our farmers,” Trump told reporters on Monday. “Our steel companies will be very happy, and our farmers will be very happy.”

As of Monday evening, the White House had not issued any formal notice that would put tariffs on Brazil and Argentina into effect.

If they are imposed, the tariffs stand to do considerab­le damage to South America’s two biggest economies as Argentina is in recession and Brazil confronts high unemployme­nt and anemic growth.

Sica, of Argentina, scoffed at the claim that Brazil and Argentina have been deliberate­ly devaluing their currencies.

“Our currency has a flexible exchange rate and adapts itself to global changes,” he said.

Brad Setser, a senior fellow for internatio­nal economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, said neither Brazil nor Argentina was manipulati­ng its currency. In fact, both countries had been selling foreign exchange reserves to prop the value of their currencies up. He added that Argentina was in a “full blown” economic crisis and was close to running out of such foreign exchange.

The announceme­nt on Monday was the latest escalation in Trump’s global trade war. Trump has also threatened new tariffs on products from China, Mexico, the European Union, Vietnam and elsewhere.

With next year’s election approachin­g, the Trump administra­tion has appeared to be working toward a resolution on several of these fronts. It reached an agreement to lift metal tariffs on Canada and Mexico and declined to impose devastatin­g car tariffs on the European Union. It has been trying to seal a first-phase trade deal with China, though the two sides are continuing to grapple over terms. And the administra­tion has been pushing for Congress to approve its revision of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which would check off a major campaign promise for Trump.

But the tariffs on Brazil and Argentina suggest that Trump has not abandoned his confrontat­ional approach. On Monday, he said on Twitter that American stock markets “are up as much as 21%” since he announced the metal tariffs on March 1, 2018, and that the United States was taking in “massive amounts of money” in tariff revenue.

The president imposed the metal tariffs to stop a flood of imported steel and aluminum that his administra­tion has claimed threatens American producers and thus American national security. The idea has been disputed, with several countries bringing cases against the United States at the World Trade Organizati­on. And in a recent decision, the United States Court of Internatio­nal Trade, a federal court, ruled that Trump could not raise tariffs on steel exports from Turkey, because a 180-day deadline set for that decision had already elapsed.

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