Miami Herald

GOP defends Trump as Bolton book adds pressure for witnesses



Senators faced mounting pressure Monday to summon John Bolton to testify at President Donald Trump’s impeachmen­t trial even as Trump’s lawyers mostly brushed past extraordin­ary new allegation­s from the former national security adviser and focused instead on corruption in Ukraine and historical arguments for acquittal.

Outside the Senate chamber, Republican­s grappled with claims in a forthcomin­g book from Bolton that Trump had wanted to withhold military aid from Ukraine until it helped with investigat­ions into Democratic rival Joe Biden. That assertion could undercut a key defense argument — that Trump never tied the suspension of security aid to political investigat­ions.

The revelation clouded

White House hopes for a swift end to the impeachmen­t trial, fueling Democratic demands for witnesses and possibly pushing more Republican lawmakers to agree. It also distracted from hours of arguments from Trump’s lawyers, who declared anew that no witness has testified to direct knowledge that Trump’s delivery of aid was contingent on investigat­ions into Democrats. Bolton appeared poised to say exactly that if called on by the Senate to appear.

“We deal with transcript evidence, we deal with publicly available informatio­n,” Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said. “We do not deal with speculatio­n.”

Trump is charged with abusing his presidenti­al power by asking Ukraine’s leader to help investigat­e Biden at the same time his administra­tion was withholdin­g hundreds of millions of dollars in security aid. A second charge accuses Trump of obstructin­g Congress in its probe.

President Donald Trump’s legal team resumed its defense in his Senate trial amid growing calls to hear testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton. Bolton’s forthcomin­g book reportedly details how Trump conditione­d military aid for Ukraine on the country’s willingnes­s to furnish informatio­n on his political rivals.

Republican­s are to conclude their arguments Tuesday.

On Monday, Trump’s attorneys, including highprofil­e lawyers Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz, launched a historical, legal and political attack on the entire impeachmen­t process. They said there was no basis to remove Trump from office, defended his actions as appropriat­e and assailed Biden, who is campaignin­g for the Democratic nomination to oppose Trump in November..

Former Florida Attorney Ggeneral Pam Bondi devoted her presentati­on to Biden and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukraine gas company at the same time his father was leading the Obama administra­tion’s diplomatic dealings with Kyiv. The legal team argued that Trump had legitimate reasons to be suspicious of the younger Biden’s business dealings and concerned about corruption in Ukraine and that, in any event, he ultimately released the aid without Ukraine committing to investigat­ions the president wanted.

Democrats say Trump released the money only after a whistleblo­wer submitted a complaint about the situation.

Trump has sought, without providing evidence, to implicate the Bidens in the kind of corruption that has long plagued Ukraine. Though anti-corruption advocates have raised concerns, there has been no evidence of wrongdoing by either the former vice president or his son.

Starr, whose independen­t counsel investigat­ion into President Bill Clinton resulted in his impeachmen­t, bemoaned what he said was an “age of impeachmen­t.”

Dershowitz, the final speaker of the evening, argued that impeachabl­e offenses require criminalli­ke conduct, though that view is largely rejected by legal scholars. He said “nothing in the Bolton revelation­s, even if true, would rise to the level of an abuse of power or an impeachabl­e offense.” “Purely non-criminal conduct, including abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress, are outside the range of impeachabl­e offenses,” Dershowitz said.

Elizabeth Warren, a presidenti­al campaigner like Biden but also a Senate juror, told reporters she found Dershowitz’s arguments “nonsensica­l.”

Even as defense lawyers laid out their case as planned, it was clear Bolton’s book had scrambled the debate over whether to seek witnesses. Bolton writes that Trump told him he wanted to withhold security aid from Ukraine until it helped with investigat­ions. Trump’s legal team has insisted otherwise, and Trump tweeted Monday that he never told Bolton such a thing.

Republican senators face a pivotal moment. Pressure is mounting for at least four to buck GOP leaders and form a bipartisan majority to force the issue. Republican­s hold a 53-47 majority.

“John Bolton’s relevance to our decision has become increasing­ly clear,” GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah told reporters. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said she has always wanted “the opportunit­y for witnesses” and the report about Bolton’s book “strengthen­s the case.” At a private GOP lunch, Romney made the case for calling Bolton, said a person unauthoriz­ed to discuss the meeting and granted anonymity.

Other Republican­s, including Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvan­ia, said if Trump’s former national security adviser is called, they will demand reciprocit­y to hear from at least one of their witnesses. Some Republican­s want to call the Bidens.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared unmoved by news of the Bolton book. His message at the lunch, said Indiana GOP Sen. Mike Braun, was,

“Take a deep breath, and let’s take one step at a time.”

Once the president’s team wraps its arguments, senators have 16 hours for questions to both sides. By late in the week, they’re expected to vote on whether to hear from witnesses.

While Democrats say Bolton’s revelation­s are reminiscen­t of the Watergate drip of new informatio­n, Republican­s are counting on concerns subsiding by the time senators are asked to vote. They are being told that if there is agreement to summon Bolton, the White House will resist, claiming executive privilege. That would launch a weeks-long court battle that could drag out the impeachmen­t trial, a scenario some GOP senators would rather avoid.

Democrats, meanwhile, say Trump’s refusal to allow administra­tion officials to testify only reinforces that the White House is hiding evidence. The White House has had Bolton’s manuscript for about a month, according to a letter from Bolton’s attorney.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said:

“We’re all staring a White House cover-up in the face.”

Rep. Adam Schiff, who leads the House prosecutio­n team, called Bolton’s account a test for the senators. “I don’t know how you can explain that you wanted a search for the truth in this trial and say you don’t want to hear from a witness who had a direct conversati­on about the central allegation in the articles of impeachmen­t,” Schiff said on CNN.

Bolton’s account was first reported by The New York Times and was confirmed to The Associated Press by a person familiar with the manuscript on the condition of anonymity. “The Room Where It Happened; A White House Memoir” is to be released March 17.

Joe Biden, campaignin­g in Iowa, said he sees no reason for testimony by him or his son. “I have nothing to defend. This is all a game, even if they bring me up,” he told reporters. “What is there to defend? This is all — the reason he’s being impeached is because he tried to get a government to smear me and they wouldn’t. Come on.”

Democrats argued their side of the impeachmen­t case last week, warning that Trump will persist in abusing his power and endangerin­g U.S. democracy unless Congress remove him. Eventual acquittal is likely in a Senate where a twothirds majority vote would be needed for conviction.

 ?? Senate Television via AP ?? Ken Starr, an attorney for President Donald Trump, speaks during the impeachmen­t trial against Trump at the U.S. Capitol on Monday.
Senate Television via AP Ken Starr, an attorney for President Donald Trump, speaks during the impeachmen­t trial against Trump at the U.S. Capitol on Monday.
 ?? MANUEL BALCE CENETA AP ?? House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., with other impeachmen­t managers, speaks to reporters at the Capitol on Monday during the impeachmen­t trial of President Donald Trump. With Schiff are impeachmen­t managers, from back left to right, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.; Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. and Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla.
MANUEL BALCE CENETA AP House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., with other impeachmen­t managers, speaks to reporters at the Capitol on Monday during the impeachmen­t trial of President Donald Trump. With Schiff are impeachmen­t managers, from back left to right, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.; Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. and Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla.
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