Miami Herald

Stepfather should visit mom with Alzheimer’s


Dear Abby: My mother is in a locked ward of a nursing home because she has Alzheimer’s and is a flight risk. My stepfather has begun dating her best friend. He doesn’t consider it dating because, at 85, he’s no longer capable of having a physical relationsh­ip. However, taking someone to dinner, the theater, church or to a movie constitute­s a date to me. People in our small town are talking. I don’t care about that. It’s not their business.

I don’t begrudge my stepfather and his lady their relationsh­ip, but he no longer visits Mom as often as he used to. He looks for any excuse not to. An example: He will say he doesn’t want to drive in the rain, then drive in a downpour to go on a date with “The Other Woman.” He says Mom forgets he was there ive minutes after he leaves, which, unfortunat­ely, is true. But she lights up when she sees him, and it gives her a moment of joy to visit with him. She knows he’s her husband, and the last time we had a family visit, she snuggled up to him and said, “I love you.”

Am I wrong to think my stepfather is not ful illing his vows by neglecting his wife of 25 years? I truly do not mind that he’s lonely and dating, but I feel he should balance his time between the two women in his life. — Fair-minded in Texas

Dear Fair-minded: You say you don’t begrudge your stepfather having a social life, and yet you call what he’s doing neglect.

Quite frankly, what I think about this is irrelevant. The person with whom you should discuss this is your stepfather. Unless you have walked a mile in his shoes, I do not think you should judge him.

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