Miami Herald

3-plus years after Brexit vote, Britain leaves EU


Brexit supporters celebrate in London as Britain leaves the European Union on Friday. Britain must still negotiate its trade relations with the EU, a thorny process that could take through the end of the year, or longer.

To the recorded peals of Big Ben and the gentle fluttering of Union Jacks, Britain bade farewell to the European Union at 11 p.m. local time Friday, severing ties to the world’s largest trading bloc after nearly half a century and embarking on an uncertain future as a midsize economy off the coast of Europe.

For Britain, having transition­ed in the postwar era from a globe-girdling empire to a reluctant member of the European project, it was yet another epochmakin­g departure.

It is a departure that will upend settled relations in virtually all areas of society, the economy, and security matters, while confrontin­g Britain with new questions of national identity. Three and a half years after Theresa May, then the prime minister, proclaimed that “Brexit means Brexit,” the British government will finally have to decide precisely what that means.

Britain must still negotiate its future trade relations with the European Union, a thorny process that could take through the end of the year, or longer.

On Friday, the departure elicited both hope and trepidatio­n from Britons. Many simply were relieved that the bitter and divisive debate over Brexit is over.

“This is the moment when the dawn breaks, and the curtain goes up on a new act in our great national drama,” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in an address to the nation Friday night. Brexit, he said, was a chance to “spread hope and opportunit­y to every part of the U.K.”

Johnson, whose vow to “Get Brexit Done” won him a commanding majority in elections last month, vowed to knit together a country that had been split geographic­ally and generation­ally by the Brexit debate. Even the future of the United Kingdom now seemed uncertain, with Scotland threatenin­g to renew its drive for independen­ce and Northern Ireland musing about unificatio­n with Ireland.

For all the historical resonance, the celebratio­ns of Britain’s departure were oddly attenuated. As a countdown clock flickered on the darkened wall of 10 Downing St., the prime minister was inside hosting a party that offered Britishsou­rced food and English sparkling wine.


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