Miami Herald

Wife looks for words to heal man’s wound

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: My husband’s mother recently told him he no longer matters to her because he is an atheist. His mother is supposedly a Christian, but she rarely acts like one. It has left my husband devastated and feeling more lonely than ever.

I can’t find the right words to comfort him when he’s going through something I haven’t got a clue about. How do I empathize with him to let him know he did nothing wrong and that he never deserved to have those words thrown at him?

It infuriates me, but I don’t think it would be right for me to talk to her directly. How do you deal with a narcissist who constantly plays the victim?

— Supportive Wife in Alabama

Dear Wife: Explain to your husband that by emotionall­y abusing him this way, his mother is attempting to control him. What she said is despicable, and if he is as emotionall­y dependent on her as you have described, he may need counseling to get past this. The way to deal with her emotional blackmail is to distance yourselves from her.

Dear Abby: I have a medical alert service dog. People at the store won’t leave him alone to do his job, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to be rude to these people, but my life depends on his alerting. Each time I must shop for groceries, I am very afraid. Advice?

— No Petting in Pennsylvan­ia

Dear No Petting: You are a nice person. Too nice, in fact. When someone attempts to distract your service animal, TELL the person emphatical­ly to stop immediatel­y because he is on duty, working to ensure your safety, and being distracted could cost you your life. It is the truth.

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