Miami Herald

Majority of Republican­s believe election was marred by fraud


A new Quinnipiac University poll says 77% of Republican­s believe there was widespread voter fraud during the November election between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.

In a deeply polarized nation, 60% of registered voters polled believe that Biden’s victory was legitimate, but 34% do not.

The latest national poll by the Hamden-based university shows huge difference­s in political perception­s by voters, based on their party affiliatio­n. Among Democrats, 97% say there was no widespread fraud in the election, but 77% of Republican­s believe there was. Among independen­ts, 62% said there was no widespread fraud and 35% said they believe there was.

“Was the election on the level? ‘No way’ say the vast majority of Republican­s,” said Tim Malloy, a polling analyst for Quinnipiac. “The dearth of Republican­s in the House and Senate willing to acknowledg­e the Biden win is in step with their base.”

Multiple Republican­s have said they will wait until the upcoming vote by the Electoral College to acknowledg­e Biden’s victory.

In their assessment­s about Trump’s presidency, 28% of voters said he was a great president, while 19% said he was good. At the other end, 40% described Trump as a bad president and 11% described him as not so good.

Concerning Trump’s current approval rating, 44% approve of how he is handling his job, while 51% disapprove. The latest approval rating is near the highest of Trump’s four years in office. The highest in the Q Poll ratings was 45% approval this past April.

The margin of error was plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

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