Miami Herald

A Biden Administra­tion must not repeat Obama’s concession­s to Cuba’s regime

- BYMARCO RUBIO Florida Senator Marco Rubio is a Republican senator from Florida.

The Cuban regime is once again cracking down and arresting peaceful dissidents. This time, the move involved deploying officers dressed in medical gowns under the false pretext of COVID-19 restrictio­ns. It is a stark reminder of the cynical lengths the fledgling regime will go to stamp out and censor nonviolent protest.

The ongoing crackdown comes as the Castro-DíazCanel regime is facing increased pressure from the Cuban people, who are demanding that their rights to free speech and other basic liberties be respected.

As the situation in Cuba worsens, a Biden Administra­tion would face a critical decision when it comes to its policy toward the island. Would Biden stand with the dissidents and continue the Trump Administra­tion’s key reforms, which have financiall­y crippled the regime and prioritize­d the demands of the Cuban people? Or would he return to the failed Obama Administra­tion policy of rewarding Raúl Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel with sanctions relief and political legitimacy for decades of repressive behavior?

If Biden were to recommit to the same Obama-era policies, we know far too well who would suffer: those who seek a freer, more democratic Cuba, including the island’s dissidents, political prisoners, artists, and activists. Instead of turning our backs on them, it is critical for American leaders to support those brave Cubans standing up to a brutal communist regime.

We can already see how the Cuban regime responds when it thinks relief may be on the way.

It has aggressive­ly moved to censor artists and independen­t media, including its ongoing assault against members of the San Isidro movement. More innocent Cubans will pay the price if we return to a one-sided Cuba policy -- and throw a life-line to Raúl Castro’s dictatoria­l regime.

This includes Las Damas de Blanco, a group of courageous women who peacefully demand the release of political prisoners and whom the U.S. Senate honored in a bipartisan resolution this year. And the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), whose leader José Daniel Ferrer has faced multiple unjust arrests and arbitrary charges in attempts to silence his organizati­on.

It also includes the Christian Liberation Movement and its Varela Project, which sought to advance democracy on the island by invoking a provision in the Cuban Constituti­on that allows the public to collect signatures and introduce legislatio­n. I remain committed to renaming the street in front of the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. after the Movement’s founder, the late Oswaldo Payá.

Any U.S. administra­tion — especially one led by Joe Biden — must make explicitly clear that it understand­s what a disastrous decision it was for President Obama to accede to the release and pardon of the regime’s convicted spy for murdering four CubanAmeri­can nationals, members of the humanitari­an organizati­on Brothers to the Rescue.

It must furthermor­e condemn the terrible precedent that former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power set when she decided to abstain, for the first time in history, against the embargo imposed on the regime. A Biden Administra­tion should also reinstate the Cuban Medical Profession­al Parole program, which was terminated under the Obama Administra­tion.

By contrast, a more responsibl­e policy towards Cuba would follow in the footsteps of President Trump and advance policies meant to protect the fundamenta­l rights of Cubans. In the coming years, that will particular­ly mean working to promote internet access on the island, so Cubans are better connected with independen­t sources of informatio­n.

In addition, it would entail a commitment to securing compensati­on for Americans who had their property wrongfully stolen by the corrupt Castro regime. Responsibl­e policymaki­ng will also mean ensuring that nations currently engaged in activities that constitute the human traffickin­g of Cuban medical profession­als instead directly contract and fully compensate those individual­s, as well as abide by all internatio­nal labor standards and protocols.

The authority to which the Cuban regime continues to cling today is unsustaina­ble in the long run. Its members know that. The Communist Party’s older generation of hardliners is dying out, and their successors will face significan­t problems because the Cuban people will not accept their current repression and behavior;

The next administra­tion’s Cuba policy will be a test to prove how they truly prioritize “values” in U.S. foreign policy. The fate of Cuba belongs to the Cuban people alone, but our nation’s role in bettering their lives cannot fall back to what it was under the Obama Administra­tion.

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