Miami Herald

Despite disappoint­ing election outcome, conservati­ves can keep the faith — and win again

- BY LEE EDWARDS Lee Edwards, Ph.D., is the Distinguis­hed Fellow in Conservati­ve Thought in the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics at The Heritage Foundation.

We often hear calls for national unity when presidents are inaugurate­d.

And we’re sure to hear them again, despite the fact that we are still divided, red and blue, liberal and conservati­ve, coastal city and heartland town.

But we should not despair. We’ve been divided since the birth of the Republic, when the Federalist­s and the Anti-Federalist­s, the Hamiltonia­ns and the Jeffersoni­ans, fiercely debated our form of government. In the end, guided by the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce and the Constituti­on, we came together.

Our divided nation fought a terrible civil war, pitting brother against brother. But in the end, we came together so that government of the people, by the people and for the people would not perish. For the next eight decades, we accepted a limited role for government until a Great Depression — and a great war — persuaded us to accept a larger role.

Five decades on, we debated and then decided to take a giant step toward limiting our government under the Reagan administra­tion. Let us not forget the era when we restored Americans’ confidence in themselves and the future, engineered a period of unparallel­ed economic prosperity and won the Cold War without firing a shot.

For the past 30 years, we have debated and divided over the question of what we want from our government. Conservati­ves, led by groups such as The Heritage Foundation, made the case that the government that’s best is the one that governs the least, and we found a receptive audience for our policy and personnel recommenda­tions in presidenti­al administra­tions.

In just the past four years, conservati­ves have achieved great things: the confirmati­on of three justices to the Supreme

Court, a significan­t tax cut (for all Americans — not just the wealthy), unpreceden­ted peace deals in the Middle East, the restoratio­n of our military and a deregulato­ry policy that precipitat­ed historic economic growth.

Now, despite the disappoint­ing outcome of the 2020 election, is no time for conservati­ves to quit or walk away.

We have been here before, after Robert Taft’s failure to win the Republican presidenti­al nomination in 1952, Barry Goldwater’s landslide defeat in 1964, Ronald Reagan’s failure to capture the GOP’s presidenti­al nomination in 1976.

Each time, like the fabled phoenix, we rose from the ashes of defeat and, committed to the priceless principle of ordered liberty, brought about Reagan’s landslide victory in 1980 and Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America in 1994.

Now, in the wake of a fiercely fought election and a disappoint­ing end, conservati­ves have a special role and responsibi­lity — to oppose a progressiv­e agenda that promises more government programs and regulation­s and more taxes and spending.

.At this time, it is up to conservati­ves to seize the opportunit­y to preserve and protect the American idea of limited constituti­onal government, free enterprise, individual freedom and responsibi­lity, traditiona­l American values based on our JudeoChris­tian heritage and a strong national defense that will guarantee peace.

These ideas have served our nation and the American people well for 244 years.

Now is the time for conservati­ves to have faith and to work all the harder to articulate a vision based on these ideas and to help bring our divided nation together.

Can we do it? Of course, we can. After all, we are Americans.

 ?? CHUCK ROBINSON AP ?? Ronald Reagan didn’t win the GOP’s presidenti­al nomination in 1976. Four years, later, he won in a landslide victory.
CHUCK ROBINSON AP Ronald Reagan didn’t win the GOP’s presidenti­al nomination in 1976. Four years, later, he won in a landslide victory.
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