Miami Herald

GOP resistance might be slowing Florida vaccine campaign. ‘We have to take this seriously’

- BY LAUTARO GRINSPAN AND BEN CONARCK lgrinspan@miamiheral­ bconarck@miamiheral­

During a late April meeting of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County, it dawned on party member Gustavo Garagorry, 54, that his stance in favor of COVID-19 vaccines was far from unanimous.

“At that meeting there

National survey data shows Republican voters are significan­tly more skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccines than Democrats and independen­ts.

were lots of people against the vaccine,” he said. “They were saying, ‘First, I’m not going to wear a mask. And I’m not getting vaccinated, either. It doesn’t do any good.’ ”

Garagorry described his reaction that day as one of dismay rather than surprise.

As president of the Venezuelan American Republican Club of MiamiDade, the Doral resident is active in local Republican circles. For weeks, he had noticed firsthand how misinforma­tion about vaccines was taking hold among many fellow conservati­ves.

“There’s a certain group of people that has bought into all the conspiracy theories. They say they’re injecting nanochips in people, that people are getting sterilized [because of the vaccine],” neither of which is true.

“I think they’re completely wrong, and I believe we have to take this seri

ously,” Garagorry said.

“There’s pretty significan­t resistance to getting vaccinated, especially on the Republican side. It’s crazy. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and I’m still seeing it.”

Garagorry’s observatio­ns in Miami track with the findings of poll after poll conducted at the national level this spring. Those surveys show Republican voters are significan­tly less likely to seek inoculatio­n than Democrats and independen­ts, a trend that could complicate the campaign to reach herd immunity in the United States.

By her own account, among those very unlikely to get vaccinated is Miamibased Muñeca Fuentes, who heads the Nicaraguan American Republican Alliance. Although she knows of people who’ve traveled to South Florida from Nicaragua to get shots, Fuentes says most of her local friends are, like her, choosing against inoculatio­n.

“Progressiv­es talk about ‘my body, my choice’ when it comes to abortion. ... My body, my choice,” she said. “I’m not getting vaccinated.”


Even as vaccines became increasing­ly available this year, Republican resistance remained high. Last month, polls released by Monmouth University and Quinnipiac University both found that nearly half of Republican respondent­s would avoid getting vaccinated if possible.

Per the Kaiser Family Foundation, vaccine enthusiasm rose among Republican­s from March to April, but that group continues to be the most resistant, with 1 in 5 (20%) saying they will “definitely not” get vaccinated. By contrast, just 13% of independen­ts and 4% of Democrats expressed similar levels of opposition to the vaccines.

In partnershi­p with The Washington Post, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that partisan vaccine hesitancy extends to the healthcare industry, with 40% of front-line Republican healthcare workers indicating they are not confident in the safety and efficacy of coronaviru­s vaccines (compared to 28% of Democrats).

Although there are a variety of reasons why people decline to be vaccinated, polls show a correlatio­n between respondent­s’ political affiliatio­ns and their concern level about the pandemic in general. That could impact decision-making when it comes to vaccines. According to the Quinnipiac poll, for instance, 32% of Republican­s say they are worried about another surge in COVID-19 cases, compared with 85% of Democrats. Notable gaps in concern level about the coronaviru­s have been fairly steady since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Republican state Sen. Manny Díaz represents parts of largely conservati­ve Hialeah and chairs the Senate’s health-policy committee. Based on conversati­ons with constituen­ts, he says the more significan­t dividing line for vaccine enthusiasm isn’t partisansh­ip, but age, with older folks showing lesser hesitancy regardless of their politics.

“The interestin­g part is in my area, those older residents tend to be Republican, very much more so,” he said. And “there was no hesitation.” But Díaz says he has noticed doubts among younger generation­s, with politics and “culture” playing a potential role.

“I think when anything’s new there’s some skepticism, and there tends to be more skepticism from those who have a little bit more mistrust in the government, and that tends to be more Republican­s than anybody else. I think that’s part of it. I don’t think it’s tinfoil-hat-type stuff,” he said. “The folks that I have been speaking to, it’s a mixed bag. Some want to wait and see if there are any effects. Some are just not interested in the vaccine at all.”

Carl Latkin, a healthbeha­viors researcher and vice chair at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg

School of Public Health, said younger people are also less likely to get routine medical care, and more likely to get their informatio­n from social media.

Latkin faulted poor government messaging on how the vaccines were developed so quickly without cutting corners on safety. Republican leaders did little to bolster it.

Former President Donald Trump offered a “halfhearte­d at best” endorsemen­t for the vaccines, Latkin said.

Also tempering enthusiasm in his district, Díaz noted, are reports of rare adverse reactions, as well as a lack of clarity about whether booster shots will be needed and how long immunity from vaccines lasts.

As far as Fuentes is concerned, her principal source of unease is the speed with which the vaccines were developed, and a perception that their long-term effects could be dangerous. (The CDC says long-term health problems are “extremely unlikely.”)

“I’m not going to get the vaccine because I feel it would be very premature. They made it too fast. … We still don’t know the consequenc­es. Five or 10 years could go by before we know the real consequenc­es of the vaccine,” she said. “I’m nobody’s guinea pig.”

Fuentes added that she feels comfortabl­e continuing to take the same set of safety precaution­s against the coronaviru­s that she is taking now, including mask-wearing

“when needed,” abiding by social-distancing guidelines and keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer in her purse.


Likely fueling some conservati­ves’ vaccine hesitancy in South Florida is the spread of misinforma­tion in Republican­oriented spaces and communitie­s in social media, where conspiracy theories about vaccines abound both in English and Spanish

That includes, for example, Directo y Sin Censura, a pro-Trump group on the social-media platform Telegram. The group is administer­ed by Miamibased activist Maria Martinez. Nearly every day, group members link to articles and videos that cast doubt on the coronaviru­s vaccines’ efficacy, amplifying false claims that vaccines alter people’s DNA and are vehicles for dangerous microchip technologi­es. Other posts baselessly warn that vaccinated people can pose a danger to the unvaccinat­ed.

Last month, using an ominous tone increasing­ly common during discussion­s of the vaccines, a group member falsely described the vaccinatio­n campaigns as an impending “mass die-off event” with “millions of people already condemned to a death that will be certain, immutable, and agonizing.”

She seemed to be citing a report that came from the ultraconse­rvative website LifeSiteNe­ws but was debunked by The report was removed from Facebook this month for violating the platform’s policies regarding COVID-19.

On Facebook, antivaccin­e memes, posts and videos regularly crop up in the feeds of large groups and popular pages like Trump Team 2020 Florida, South Florida For Trump and Miami

TRUMP Volunteers.

Juan Fiol, the leader of Miami TRUMP Volunteers, said he has no plans to get vaccinated. Publicheal­th experts say people who have previously contracted the virus do not enjoy the same immunity as those protected by vaccines. But also playing a factor is his belief that a rise in new variants means vaccines won’t be effective for long and that getting vaccinated is not carte blanche to go back to normal.

“They tell you, ‘Did you get vaccinated? Well, it

doesn’t matter. Wear a mask. You still can’t go out.’ It’s a joke. What more do they want?”

It actually does matter, as the vaccines are protective against existing variants. It is unknown if people will need booster shots.

In a reversal of previous guidelines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on

May 13 that fully vaccinated individual­s can go without masks in most cases.

René Garcia, a county commission­er and the chairman of the Republican Party of MiamiDade, says that policy change could be key in swaying vaccine holdouts.

“I believe the best way to move forward is to say, ‘If you’re vaccinated, if you’ve done your part, then you don’t have to keep wearing a mask,’ ” he said. “I tell everyone: ‘I got vaccinated to stop wearing masks.’ I say it jokingly, but I believe it moves people.”

He added: “It needs to be a personal decision. I respect people who decided to get vaccinated and I also respect those who don’t want to get vaccinated and might be waiting a little bit longer to see the long-term results.”


To date, about 48% of U.S. adults are fully vaccinated, a far cry from the 80% threshold that many scientists say the country needs to achieve herd immunity. To close the gap, it will be important to address concerns among all people, according to a Pew report.

Garagorry, leader of the Venezuelan American Republican Club, said it would be helpful for Trump to more forcefully encourage his supporters to get vaccinated. The former president was vaccinated shortly before leaving office but behind closed doors. He was also absent from pro-vaccinatio­n spots that featured all other living former presidents.

“If President Trump were the face of a campaign telling people to go out and get the shot because we have a dangerous pandemic in front of us, I believe it would be very effective,” he said.

Latkin, the health-behaviors researcher from Johns Hopkins, had his own idea for convincing Trump voters: Vaccine recipients would be entered into a lottery for a round of golf with the former president.

But the position of many Trump supporters, such as Fuentes, show that might not be enough.

“President Trump may have gotten the vaccine, his entire family may have gotten the vaccine, but Muñeca Fuentes isn’t getting it,” she said.

 ?? DAVID MCNEW Getty Images ?? A demonstrat­or holds an anti-vaccinatio­n sign at a pro-Trump rally this month.
DAVID MCNEW Getty Images A demonstrat­or holds an anti-vaccinatio­n sign at a pro-Trump rally this month.
 ?? PEDRO PORTAL pportal@miamiheral­ ?? A Miami-Dade Republican says: ‘There’s pretty significan­t resistance to getting vaccinated, especially on the Republican side. It’s crazy.’
PEDRO PORTAL pportal@miamiheral­ A Miami-Dade Republican says: ‘There’s pretty significan­t resistance to getting vaccinated, especially on the Republican side. It’s crazy.’

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