Miami Herald

Israel calls fifth election in 3 years, possibly setting up a Netanyahu comeback


Israel’s weakened coalition government announced Monday that it would dissolve parliament and call new elections, setting the stage for the possible return to power of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or another period of prolonged political gridlock.

The election will be Istrial, rael’s fifth in three years, and it will put the polarizing Netanyahu, who has been the opposition leader for the past year, back at the center of the political universe.

“I think the winds have changed. I feel it,” Netanyahu declared.

The previous four elections, focused on Netanyahu’s fitness to rule while facing a corruption investigat­ion, ended in deadlock. While opinion polls project Netanyahu, who is now on

as the front-runner, it is far from certain that his Likud party can secure the required parliament­ary majority to form a new government.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, a former ally and aide of Netanyahu, formed his government a year ago with the aim of halting the never-ending cycle of elections. But the fragile coalition government, which includes parties from across the political spectrum, lost its majority earlier this year and has faced rebellions from different lawmakers in recent weeks.

Announcing his plan to disband the government during a nationally televised news conference, Bennett said he had made “the right decision” in difficult circumstan­ces.

“Together, we got Israel out of the pit. We accomplish­ed many things in this year. First and foremost, we brought to center stage the values of fairness and trust,” Bennett said, standing alongside his main partner, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. “We shifted to a culture of ‘we,' ‘together.’ ”

Under their coalition deal, Lapid, who heads the large centrist party Yesh Atid, now becomes the interim prime minister until the election, in which he is expected to be the main rival to Netanyahu.

Standing together with Bennett, he thanked his partner for his hard work and for putting the country ahead of his personal interests.

“Even if we’re going to elections in a few months, our challenges as a state cannot wait,” Lapid said. “What we need to do today is go back to the concept of Israeli unity. Not to let dark forces tear us apart from within.”

Bennett’s coalition included a diverse array of parties, from dovish factions that support an end to Israel’s occupation of lands captured in 1967 and claimed by the Palestinia­ns, to hard-line parties that oppose Palestinia­n statehood.

Many of the parties had little in common beyond a shared animosity to Netanyahu. Often described as a political “experiment,” the coalition made history by becoming the first to include an Arab party.

Bennett listed his government’s accomplish­ments, including passing a national budget for the first time in three years and leading the country through two waves of the coronaviru­s without imposing a lockdown. Under his watch, Israel’s tense border with the Gaza Strip remained largely quiet, though tensions with the Palestinia­ns escalated in east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. His Arab partner, the Islamic Ra'am party, secured unpreceden­ted budgets to fight poverty, neglect and discrimina­tion in Israel’s Arab sector.

Despite its successes, the coalition eventually unraveled, in large part because several members of Bennett’s own hard-line party objected to what they felt were his pragmatism and moderation.

Netanyahu, meanwhile, whipped up the opposition by accusing Bennett of cooperatin­g with “terror supporters” — a reference to his Arab partners in the coalition. A Netanyahu supporter was arrested last month on suspicion she sent death threats and bullets to Bennett’s family in the mail.

 ?? MAYA ALLERUZZO AP | May 9, 2022 ?? The election will put former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the opposition leader for the past year, back at the center of the Israeli political universe. ‘I think the winds have changed. I feel it,’ Netanyahu declared Monday.
MAYA ALLERUZZO AP | May 9, 2022 The election will put former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been the opposition leader for the past year, back at the center of the Israeli political universe. ‘I think the winds have changed. I feel it,’ Netanyahu declared Monday.

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