Miami Herald

U.S. to send rocket systems, other aid to Ukraine; EU close to adding Ukraine


The United States will send another $450 million in military aid to Ukraine, including some additional medium-range rocket systems, U.S. officials said Thursday.

The latest package will include four High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, and is expected to be announced later Thursday. The first four HIMARS that the U.S. previously sent have already gone into Ukraine and are in the hand of troops there.

One official said the latest package will also include 18 tactical vehicles, 18 coastal and riverine patrol boats, thousands of machine guns, grenade launchers and rounds of ammunition, and some other equipment and spare parts.

The new aid comes just a week after the U.S. announced it will send $1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, and as the Russian military continues to slowly expand its control in the eastern Donbas region. Ukrainian leaders have persistent­ly asked for the more advanced, precision rocket systems in order to better fight back against Russia. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details ahead of an announceme­nt.

The Russian military captured two villages in eastern Ukraine on Thursday and is fighting for control of a key highway in a campaign to cut supply lines and encircle frontline Ukrainian forces, according to British and Ukrainian military officials.

Russian forces have been bombarding the city of Sievierodo­netskfor weeks with artillery and air raids, and fought the Ukrainian army house-to-house. The HIMARS gives Ukraine the ability to strike Russian forces and weapons from further away. The systems are mounted on trucks, which carry a container with six precision-guided rockets that can travel about 45 miles.

Candidate status does not confer membership, which could still be decades away. But the decision is a historic step for Europe — and sends a signal to Moscow.

Heads of state and government, meeting in Brussels for a two-day European Council summit, also agreed to candidacy for Moldova. Ukraine and Moldova will be required to meet certain conditions as candidates to move forward. Leaders said Georgia will become a candidate after meeting other conditions.

“This is a defining moment and a very good day for Europe,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said at a news conference in Brussels. “It strengths Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in the face of Russian aggression and it strengthen­s the European Union.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the news. “Sincerely commend EU leaders’ decision,” he tweeted.

The Kremlin claims that Ukraine is not a real country and wants to bring it into Moscow’s sphere of influence by force.

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