Miami Herald

Helping abused, neglected kids is pro-life


Cynthia Allen wrote in her June 26 op-ed, “Prolifers have a right to be joyful, but shouldn’t gloat. There’s work to do postRoe,” “Our [pro-life] goal is as it ever was … women … in crisis pregnancie­s are never denied support and where children, regardless of their state of developmen­t, are never denied their humanity.” These are lofty goals no one can object to. However, let’s focus on Florida’s children.

There are about 20,000 children in foster care or waiting to be adopted. They are being denied their humanity of growing up with a loving family.

Children in Florida is at risk of losing Medicaid once federal emergency funding ends. One in six children face hunger in our state. They are being denied their humanity.

More than 50% of third graders read below their level, and close to 53,000 are illiterate. With little access to healthcare, these children are being denied their humanity.

Florida ranks fourth in the nation in mass shootings involving children. These children are being denied their humanity by being subjected to the trauma of active shooter drills or getting shot and killed.

More than 35,000 children are abused or neglected every year. They are being denied the humanity of growing up safe due to lack of funding for programs aimed at protecting them and providing mental health help.

Until all the issues which deny children their humanity are tackled and immediate solutions are put in motion, pro-lifers shouldn’t claim that overturnin­g of Roe v. Wade is a win for life. It is a win for the unborn.

Children today are being hurt, abused, neglected, killed and denied their humanity daily, without any outrage from these same pro-life groups.

– María Elena López,

Coral Gables

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