Miami Herald

Italian Premier Draghi’s resignatio­n rebuffed by president


Italian Premier Mario Draghi offered to step down Thursday after a populist coalition ally refused to support a key government bill, but the nation’s president rejected the resignatio­n, telling Draghi to see if he can still find a majority in Parliament willing to support him.

Draghi’s broad unity coalition government — which includes parties from the right, the left, the center and the populist 5-Star

Movement — was designed to help Italy recover from the coronaviru­s pandemic. He took office in February 2021.

Hours earlier Thursday, Draghi and his government won a confidence vote, 172-39, in the Senate despite the refusal by the 5-Star Movement to back the bill, which earmarked 26 billion euros (dollars) to help consumers and industries struggling with soaring energy prices. But the snub, orchestrat­ed by 5-Star leader Giuseppe Conte,

Draghi’s predecesso­r, did its damage.

Shortly before heading to the Quirinal presidenti­al palace to tender his resignatio­n, Draghi declared: “The majority of national unity that has sustained this government from its creation doesn’t exist any more.”

But President Sergio Mattarella told Draghi to instead go back to Parliament and see if he can still garner solid support, a palace statement said, adding the resignatio­n was not accepted.

The next showdown in Parliament is set for July

20, when Draghi will formally pitch for support ahead of a confidence vote — this time not on a specific bill but on his government’s very viability.

“Wednesday, in Parliament, in front of the nation, every political force must assume its responsibi­lities,” said the Democratic Party whip in the lower chamber of Parliament, Debora Serracchia­ni.

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