Miami Herald

Israeli strikes in Gaza kill 48 as fears mount over humanitari­an crisis and West Bank violence



Israeli strikes killed at least 48 people in southern and central Gaza overnight, half of them women and children, health officials claimed Thursday. European foreign ministers and U.N. agencies called for a cease-fire, with alarm rising over the worsening humanitari­an crisis and potential starvation in the territory.

Tensions were also rising in the Israeli-occupied

West Bank, where three Palestinia­n gunmen on Thursday opened fire on morning traffic at a highway checkpoint, killing one person and wounding five others, Israeli police said.

Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, announced Thursday that the government “will expand the authority given to our hostage negotiator­s.” His comments, delivered in a meeting with U.S. Mideast envoy Brett McGurk, signaled a small sign of progress in cease-fire talks.

Benny Gantz, who sits on Israel’s War Cabinet with Gallant and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said late Wednesday that new attempts are underway to reach a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas that could pause the war in Gaza and bring the release of around 130 Israeli hostages held by the militants since their Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel. It was the first Israeli indication of new efforts since negotiatio­ns stalled a week ago.

But Gantz, a former military chief and defense minister, repeated his pledge that unless Hamas agrees to release the remaining hostages, Israel will launch a ground offensive into Gaza’s southernmo­st town, Rafah, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins around March 10.

More than half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million is crowded into Rafah after fleeing fighting and bombardmen­t elsewhere in the territory. Israel has said it will evacuate them before attacking. But it is not clear where they would go, with much of the rest of the tiny Mediterran­ean enclave consumed in combat — raising fears civilian casualties could spiral in an Israeli assault that has already killed more than 29,400 people.

The heads of 13 U.N. agencies and five other aid groups issued a joint plea for a cease-fire late Wednesday, warning that an attack on Rafah will bring “mass casualties” and could “deal a death blow” to the humanitari­an operation bringing aid to Palestinia­ns, which “is already on its knees.” Earlier this week, the World Food Program had to halt food deliveries to northern Gaza because of increasing chaos.

The foreign ministers of 26 European countries on Thursday called for a pause in fighting leading to a longer cease-fire. They urged Israel not to take military action in Rafah “that would worsen an already catastroph­ic humanitari­an situation.”


Thursday’s shooting came at a checkpoint on a West Bank highway where the gunmen opened fire on cars in the morning rushhour traffic jam. An Israeli man in his 20s was killed and five others wounded, including a pregnant woman. Security forces killed two of the gunmen and detained the third, police said.

Hamas in a statement Thursday praised the attack in Jerusalem and said it was a “natural response” to Israel’s ongoing war in

Gaza and raids in the West Bank, and called for more attacks until they can achieve a “fully sovereign” Palestinia­n state with Jerusalem as its capital. The militant group did not claim responsibi­lity for the attack.

Tensions are rising in the West Bank ahead of Ramadan, which in the past has seen increased clashes, often in connection to restrictio­ns imposed on Palestinia­n worshipper­s going to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City during the holy month.


A flurry of seven Israeli strikes hit Rafah early Thursday, one of them flattening a large mosque and devastatin­g much of the surroundin­g block. Footage from the scene showed al-Farouq Mosque pancaked to the ground, with its concrete domes tumbled around it and nearby buildings shattered.

Another strike hit a residentia­l home in Rafah sheltering the al-Shaer family, killing at least four people, including a mother and her child.

Strikes in central Gaza overnight killed 44 people, including 14 children and 8 women, according to hospital officials there.

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