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Putin’s crackdown casts a wide net, ensnaring the LGBTQ+ community, lawyers and many others

- BY DASHA LITVINOVA Associated Press


It’s not just opposition politician­s who are targeted in the crackdown by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government in recent years. Also falling victim are independen­t voices as well as those who don’t conform to what the state sees as the country’s “traditiona­l values.”

Russia’s once-thriving free press after the collapse of the Soviet Union has been largely reduced to either state-controlled media or independen­t journalist­s operating from abroad, with few critical outlets still working in the country. Prominent rights groups have been outlawed or classified as agents of foreigners. Lawyers who represente­d dissidents have been prosecuted. LGBTQ+ activists have been labeled “extremists.”

A look at those who have come under attack during Putin’s 24-year rule that is likely to be extended by six more years in this month’s presidenti­al election:


Independen­t news sites largely have been blocked in Russia since the first weeks of the war in Ukraine. Many have moved their newsrooms abroad and continue to operate, accessible in Russia via virtual private networks, or VPNs. Reporting inside Russia or earning money off Russian advertiser­s has been difficult.

Russian authoritie­s since 2021 also have labeled dozens of outlets and individual journalist­s as ”foreign agents” – a designatio­n implying additional government scrutiny and carrying strong pejorative connotatio­ns aimed at discrediti­ng the recipient. Some have also been outlawed as “undesirabl­e organizati­ons” under a 2015 law that makes involvemen­t with such organizati­ons a criminal offense.

Journalist­s have been arrested and imprisoned on a variety of charges.

“The Russian authoritie­s decided to destroy civil society institutio­ns and independen­t journalism completely after Feb. 24, 2022,” said Ivan Kolpakov, chief editor of Russia’s most popular independen­t news site Meduza, referring to the date of the invasion. Meduza was declared “undesirabl­e” in January 2023.

More restrictio­ns appear to be coming. Parliament passed a law banning advertiser­s from doing business with “foreign agents,” likely affecting not just news sites but also blogs on YouTube that need advertisin­g and are a popular source of news and analysis.


Dozens of rights groups, charities and other nongovernm­ental organizati­ons have been labeled “foreign agents” and outlawed as “undesirabl­e” in recent years. Many had to shut down.

In December 2021, a court in Moscow ordered the closure of Memorial, one of Russia’s oldest and most prominent human rights organizati­ons. It drew internatio­nal acclaim for its studies of repression in the Soviet Union; several months after the ruling, it won the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. In yet another crippling blow, its 70-year-old co-chair, Oleg Orlov, was sentenced last month to 2½ years in prison over criticism of the war.

Another prominent rights group leader behind bars is Grigory Melkonyant­s, co-chair of Golos, which monitored Russian elections since 2000. He is in pre-trial detention on

Oleg Orlov, co-chair of the human rights group Memorial, gestures from a defendants’ cage in court in Moscow.

charges widely seen as an attempt to pressure the group ahead of this month’s vote.

His arrest last year wasn’t a surprise, said the group’s other leader, Stanislav Andreychuk, in an interview with The Associated Press, because Golos has been under pressure since it detailed widespread violations in the 2011 parliament­ary election that led to mass protests.


Lawyers who represent Kremlin critics and work on politicall­y motivated cases also have faced growing pressure. Some prominent ones have left Russia, fearing prosecutio­n.

Human rights and legal aid group Agora was labeled “undesirabl­e” in 2023, making its operations and any dealings with it illegal.

Three lawyers who represente­d Alexei Navalny are jailed on charges of involvemen­t with an extremist organizati­on. Associates of the late opposition leader said it was a way to isolate him while in prison.

Prominent human rights lawyer Ivan Pavlov told AP the pressure has scared some attorneys away from political cases. Pavlov left Russia in 2021 while defending former journalist Ivan Safronov on treason charges. After Pavlov spoke out about the case, authoritie­s opened a criminal investigat­ion against him and barred him from using the phone and the internet. “They simply paralyzed my work,” he said.

Dmitry Talantov, another lawyer for Safronov, was

arrested in 2022 for criticizin­g the war and is on trial. He faces up to 10 years in prison.


The crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights has gone on for more than a decade and often was accompanie­d by Putin’s criticism of Western nations trying to impose their values on Russia. In 2022, authoritie­s adopted a law banning propaganda of “nontraditi­onal sexual relations” among adults, effectivel­y outlawing any public endorsemen­t of LGBTQ+ rights.

Another law enacted in 2023 prohibited gender transition­ing procedures and gender- affirming care, as well as changing a person’s gender in official documents and public records.

In November, the Supreme Court banned what the government called the LGBTQ+ “movement” in Russia, labeling it as an extremist organizati­on. That effectivel­y outlawed any LGBTQ+ activism. Shortly afterward, authoritie­s started imposing fines for displaying rainbowcol­ored items.

Igor Kochetkov, human rights advocate and founder of the Russian LGBT Network, told AP the Supreme Court ruling was more about ideology than anything else.

“So far we haven’t seen attempts to ban gay relations” and criminaliz­e them, as the Soviet Union did, Kochetkov said. Rather, it’s an attempt to suppress “any independen­t opinion that doesn’t fit with the official state ideology … and any organized civic activity that the government can’t control,” he added.


In perhaps a similar vein, the government, closely allied with the Russian Orthodox Church, has cracked down on smaller religious denominati­ons and groups, banning some. Authoritie­s went further with Jehovah’s Witnesses, prosecutin­g hundreds of believers across the country, often simply for gathering to pray.

The Supreme Court in 2017 declared Jehovah’s Witnesses to be an extremist organizati­on, exposing those involved with it to potential criminal charges.

Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman Jarrod Lopes said over 400 believers have been jailed since then, and 131 men and women are in prison. Nearly 800 Jehovah’s Witnesses have faced charges, and over 500 were added to Russia’s register of extremists and terrorists.

In 2018, Putin himself said “Jehovah’s Witnesses are Christians, too, I don’t quite understand why clamp down on them,” and he promised to look into it. But the number of arrests and raids targeting them only grew.

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