Miami Herald

Why it’s hard to explain Joe Biden’s unpopulari­ty


Joe Biden is one of the most unpopular presidents in modern American history. In Gallup polling, his approval ratings are lower than those of any president embarking on a reelection campaign, from Dwight Eisenhower to Donald Trump.

Yet an air of mystery hangs around his lousy polling numbers. As The Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Simonson noted recently, just surfing around most U.S. media and pop culture, you probably wouldn’t realize that Biden’s job approval ratings are quite so historical­ly terrible, worse by far than Trump’s at the same point in his first term.

Apart from anxiety about his age, there isn’t a chattering-class consensus or common shorthand for why his presidency is such a political flop. Which is why, perhaps, there was a rush to declare his State of the Union address a riproaring success, as though all Biden needs to do to right things is to talk loudly through more than an hour of prepared remarks.

When things went south for other recent chief executives, there was usually a clearer theory of what was happening. Trump’s unpopulari­ty was understood to reflect his chaos and craziness and authoritar­ian forays. The story of George W. Bush’s descending polls was all about Iraq and Hurricane Katrina. When

Barack Obama was at his polling nadir, most observers blamed the unemployme­nt rate and the Obamacare backlash, and when Bill Clinton struggled through his first two years, there was a clear media narrative about his lack of discipline and White House scandals.

With Biden, it has been different. Attempts to reduce his struggles to the inflation rate are usually met with vehement rebuttals, there’s a strong market for “bad vibes” explanatio­ns of his troubles, a lot of blame gets placed on partisan polarizati­on even though Biden won a clear popular majority not so long ago, and even the age issue has taken center stage only in the past few months.

Some of this mystificat­ion reflects liberal media bias accentuate­d by contempora­ry conditions – an unwillingn­ess to look closely at issues like immigratio­n and the border, a hesitation to speak ill of a president who’s the only bulwark against Trumpism.

But I experience some mystificat­ion myself. I think that Biden’s record has big problems and that the economy isn’t as golden as some of his defenders claim. But even I look at his numbers and think really, that bad?

I also think, though, that this kind of media mystificat­ion is what you’d expect given the political realignmen­t we’re experienci­ng, where right and left are sorting increasing­ly by class and education, and where anti-institutio­nalism has migrated more to the political right.

This transforma­tion means that the Republican voters whose support Biden never had are often more culturally distant from liberal tastemaker­s than were the Republican­s of the Clinton or Obama years. But it also means that many of the voters Biden is losing now, the swing voters driving his approval ratings down and down, are likewise fairly alien to the cultural and media establishm­ent.

In theory, the recent push for racial representa­tion in elite America should have made the establishm­ent more attuned to the concerns of nonwhite voters. But in practice, this push tended to treat representa­tion and progressiv­e politics as a package deal, making nonwhites with moderate to conservati­ve views more exotic, not less.

Again, I’m part of that establishm­ent, and I don’t want to pretend that I have my finger fully on the pulse of, say, bluecollar Hispanics who went for Biden in 2020 but now lean toward Trump.

But if you take that kind of constituen­cy as a starting place, you may be able to reason your way to a clearer understand­ing of Biden’s troubles: by thinking about ways in which high borrowing costs for homes and cars seem especially punishing to voters trying to move up the economic ladder, for instance, or how the hold of cultural progressiv­ism over Democratic politics might be pushing more culturally conservati­ve minorities to the right even if wokeness has peaked in some elite settings.

These are theories; maybe there’s a better one. But the first step to saving Biden’s reelection effort is to acknowledg­e the need for such an explanatio­n – because unpopulari­ty that you can’t fathom can still throw you out of office.

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