Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Netanyahu’s political speech

- By DOYLE MCMANUS Doyle McManus is a columnist for The Los Angeles Times. Email Twitter: @DoyleMcMan­us

If Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t want his speech on Tuesday to look political, he chose a strange place to deliver it: the U.S. House of Representa­tives, one of the most politicize­d places on Earth.

The room was permeated with politics; you could smell it from the galleries. Israel is two weeks from an election; the hero’s welcome Netanyahu received, with mega-donor Sheldon Adelson and other supporters cheering him on from the guest seats, was broadcast there in prime time.

American political polarizati­on was on painful view too. Republican­s leapt to their feet for one standing ovation after another, eager to show their support for Israel’s hard line against a nuclear compromise with Iran. But Democrats were divided, some applauding enthusiast­ically, others sitting stonefaced with hands in their laps - while as many as 60 stayed away in an unusual boycott.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent most of the speech looking angry. “I was near tears throughout the prime minister’s speech, saddened by the insult to the intelligen­ce of the United States,” she said later.

That’s not what normally happens when the leader of a friendly country speaks before a joint session of Congress. Usually such speeches are bipartisan lovefests.

Not this one. Netanyahu and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, decided to make the Israeli leader a formal participan­t in the U.S. debate over the nuclear deal Obama is trying to conclude. And they did so in a decidedly partisan way by arranging the speech without informing the White House.

So it was Netanyahu, speaking for the opposition. The Israeli leader tried to soften that impression by saying he was grateful for Obama’s steadfast support for Israel, but that didn’t fool anyone. On those lines, Democrats leapt to their feet; Republican­s hesitated and looked at their laps.

The substance of the speech was political too: the high politics of framing the terms of debate over a nuclear deal, even before it’s concluded. Netanyahu said, accurately, that the basic shape of the potential agreement with Iran was already clear — and insisted that Israel could not accept it.

“This is a bad deal. It’s a very bad deal. We’re better off without it,” he said. “It doesn’t block Iran’s path to the bomb; it paves Iran’s way to the bomb.”

He said the proposed deal would allow Iran to continue enriching some uranium at low levels. (Administra­tion officials say a total ban is unachievab­le, and argue that a deal would impose limits that would prevent Iran from building a weapon.)

And he complained that the deal would “sunset” after about 10 years, leaving Iran free to increase uranium enrichment. (Administra­tion officials say Iran would still be prohibited from developing nuclear weapons and would still be subject to internatio­nal inspection­s.)

The main problem with Netanyahu’s speech, though, was that he didn’t offer a clear alternativ­e. He didn’t suggest a way there, aside from hoping that Iran would walk away from the negotiatin­g table.

That boils down to: Maybe we’ll get lucky and the Iranians will blow up the talks. But what if they don’t? The U.S. doesn’t have the option of abandoning negotiatio­ns, because that would probably cause the internatio­nal coalition that has imposed sanctions to collapse — leaving Iran less encumbered, not more.

The debate over an Iran deal was already partisan and divisive. Netanyahu and Boehner just made it more so. Netanyahu, in effect, argued that members of Congress must choose between Israel and the president. That’s an easy choice for most Republican­s, a painful and unwanted one for most Democrats. If U.S. and Iranian negotiator­s conclude a deal, and Netanyahu is re-elected in two weeks, Americans are in for a bitter and divisive fight — and it’s way too late to hope that it won’t turn political.

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