Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Fix capitalism


Two good points were made about human behaviors in a recent column and letter. I agree that poverty is not an excuse for violence, “Stop making excuses for violence,” and greed is a problem, “Greed is the problem” (Crossroads, May 3, and Letters, April 30).

Let’s face the concept that consolidat­ion of wealth is sanctioned violence against the poor. When one person uses his or her influence to prevent another from having access to the resources that person needs to live, it is an act of violence. Even pure capitalism — money-based decisions — allows value for everybody available to fight wars, keep wages low or provide cleanup of bodies after high-profit endeavors explode.

Minimum wage is a minimum amount of mandated decency to prevent revolution. Decent societies shouldn’t need it. If violent crime isn’t the answer, then neither is pure capitalism. A society based on consumer spending needs to ensure consumers have money to spend, but also that they have knowledge available to spend wisely at the point of decision.

Capitalism isn’t working for the poor because it’s missing some parts: regulation, moderation and sustainabi­lity of resources. It only works for the super-rich temporaril­y because of the violence, not in spite of it. Prisons turn amateur criminals into profession­al ones, while Ivy League colleges turn amateur exploiters into profession­al ones.

In the United States, both make their choices based on money (capitalism). We don’t need to get rid of it, just fix it with decency and real moderating mechanisms. There is no Invisible Hand. Only the ones we have are truly useful. Let’s not exclude so many from doing for themselves, and maybe they would find less reason to hate the system.

Dan Conine


Voters can’t trust Walker


Disturbed by child welfare system

I was disturbed to read the article “Service coordinate­s care for foster kids” in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on April 28. In it, the reporter seems to imply that private and public partnershi­ps regarding children that have been through the child welfare system is a positive step.

Having worked with homeless families in Milwaukee for over 15 years, I have seen many negative effects of the ever-increasing privatizat­ion of the child welfare system. From my experience, children are now much more likely to be removed from their home for minor reasons, such as having a dirty house or being homeless, than in the past.

Many agencies contractin­g with the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare seem inexperien­ced regarding child welfare issues and seem more interested in quotas than actually determinin­g the well-being of families in crisis. Higher standards need to be put in place to determine if these agencies truly have the wellbeing of children as their main goal.

Michael Komba

Casa Maria Catholic Worker

In the recent GOP “summit” of rivals for their party’s 2016 nomination, Gov. Scott Walker listed personal traits that the party and independen­t voters alike want in their president (“GOP hopefuls differ on how party can win,” April 27).

With the statement that “They want people that stand up and look you in the eye, and tell you exactly what they’re going to do,” Walker eliminated himself from the desirables. Immediatel­y after being voted in as governor of Wisconsin, he launched a devastatin­g sneak attack on unions — a move that was never so much as hinted at during his campaign for office.

During his campaign for a second term, he fudged evasively when asked if he intended to run for president — assuring people that his responsibi­lity was to be governor. But again — as soon as he was re-elected — he became governor in absentia, campaignin­g around the nation and even overseas, seeking the GOP nomination.

Walker’s behavior has been 180 degrees contrary to what he considers trustworth­y.

Regina Schulte


 ??  ?? Walker

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