Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

3 efforts aim to get kids in, and through, college

More being done in recent years


Midalis Delacruz and Viviana Buzo have a lot in common — same taste in shoes, same taste in television shows.

They also share a big commitment: To see Midalis get a college diploma.

“I want to be with her every step of the way,” says Viviana.

That brings up another similarity and one difference between the two. The similarity: Both are from background­s where no one went to college.

The difference: Viviana has a bachelor’s degree from Marquette University, a master’s degree from Florida Institute of Technology and a job at Mark Travel Corp. Midalis is finishing her freshman year at Veritas High School, a charter school on Milwaukee’s south side.

The commitment they share to Midalis’ future is rooted in a program launched this year by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee in which 50 freshmen at Veritas are paired with adults with college degrees. The goal is for the mentor and student to work together until the student completes at least the first year of college. Mentors and students meet in person at least once a month and communicat­e weekly by email around specific topics.

There are a lot of things on the education scene in Milwaukee that are not really better now than five years ago.

But with graduation season upon us, I’m glad to focus here on something that is better now than five years ago: More is being done in the way of community efforts aimed at giving students the kind of boosts that can make a big difference when it comes to getting into college and succeeding there.

Consider three examples of efforts that didn’t exist a few years ago. Each offers a different way of helping students. Call them personal, more personal and really personal.

The Big Brothers Big Sisters effort is the really personal one — one-on-one help, intended to continue for at least five years. Veri- tas was picked as the partner because of its strong school culture.

Amy Chionchio, president and CEO of the local Big Brothers Big Sisters, said the hope is to expand to other schools. This year’s effort, funded by private donations and including some start-up costs, has a budget of $250,000.

College Possible is still quite personal, but not so one-on-one oriented. Founded in St. Paul, Minn., in 2000, College Possible expanded to Milwaukee in 2008. It worked this year in 13 schools in Milwaukee with low-income students who have both interest in and potential for college success (at least a 2.0 grade point is required, for example).

Beginning in the junior year, several dozen students in a school take part in two two-hour sessions each week with coaches, who also build individual relationsh­ips. The focus for 11th-graders is getting ready for collegeadm­ission tests; the focus for 12th-graders is selecting, applying to and paying for college.

When the students get to college — the College Possible admission rate is 97% — coaches stay in touch to see what they can do to maximize the chance of succeeding. About 700 high school students and 600 college students were part of the Milwaukee effort this year.

One day when Daesy Plascencia was in 10th grade at St. Joan Antida High School, she saw people in the cafeteria wearing green shirts, a College Possible trademark, and encouragin­g kids to sign up.

“I didn’t know anything about college,” she said. “No one in my family ever went to college.” She signed up. College, she said, “was the best decision I ever made.” She ended four good years at Mount Mary University with a diploma.

She wants a career in health or teaching, but first, she said, “I decided to give back to this organizati­on because they did so much for me.” She became the first local College Possible student to become a coach, working at Riverside High School this year.

Milwaukee director Edie Turnbull said the effort costs about $1,500 a year for high school students and about half that per year for college students. Private donations as well as some federally funded AmeriCorps positions support the $1.9 million annual budget.

College Access Centers

Operating on a larger, still somewhat personal basis are two College Access Centers run by Milwaukee Public Schools, at 2730 W. Fond du Lac Ave. and 3333 S. 27th St. The centers are funded primarily by the Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corp. Students are welcome to stop in to meet with counselors for informatio­n on post-high school options and some personal coaching and advice.

Middle school groups visit for programs on how to prepare for life after high school. Students get time to work on a computer program that helps suggest career possibilit­ies and what needs to be done to pursue them.

John Riley Hill, director of college and career readiness for MPS, said more than 7,200 students have paid more than 14,000 visits to the two centers since they opened in 2011.

Hill said progress is being made in getting students on good tracks. But there’s still a long way to go. For example, the percentage of MPS students who are enrolling in college in the first fall after graduation has been inching up, from 36% in 2008 to 40% in 2014. MPS students have also reported big increases in scholarshi­ps they’ve received, rising from $12 million in 2012 to $31 million in 2014.

But the overall MPS graduation rate has improved only slightly — the four-year graduation rate went from 60.6% in 2013 to 60.9% in 2014.

There’s a long way to go before the picture overall can be labeled decidedly better. But efforts such as these three have shown or reasonably can expect to show positive results.

Commenceme­nts have that name because they should signal the start of good things. To all who work to increase the chances of that for more young people, congratula­tions as this school year ends. Now, on to bigger and better things. Alan J. Borsuk is senior fellow in law and public policy at Marquette University Law School. Reach him

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