Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

PSC approves power plant plan

Alliant eyes Beloit for $700 million facility

- By RICK ROMELL rromell@journalsen­

Alliant Energy Corp. received a verbal approval Thursday to build a new natural gas-fired power plant near Beloit that, when finished, will generate enough electricit­y to serve 535,000 homes.

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission gave its nod to the $700 million project, which will be built next to an existing power plant at Alliant’s Riverside Energy Center.

Groundbrea­king is scheduled for this fall, with the new plant expected to come on line by early 2020. Madison-based Alliant said the project should create more than 1,000 constructi­on jobs.

WEC Energy Group, parent of We Energies in Milwaukee and Wisconsin Public Service Corp. in Green Bay, had opposed the project earlier. The firm, the state’s biggest utility company, last fall had questioned whether Wisconsin needed a new source of greenhouse gas emissions, and said customers would reap savings if Alliant bought power from We Energies.

But WEC Energy backed off after reaching an agreement that would let its Green Bay utility buy power from the new Alliant plant.

Located about seven miles north of downtown Beloit and just west of the Rock River, the new plant will generate 700 megawatts of power. It will replace some 640 megawatts of older, less efficient coal- and gas-fired generating capacity in Wisconsin that either has already been taken out of service or will be retired by 2020, Alliant said.

The Public Service Commission’s approval is contingent on Alliant obtaining other state and federal permits for the project.

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