Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

With Donald Trump in this race, we had to take a stand


It’s been this kind of year in politics: At the mere mention of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s name at a Holiday Inn in Janesville — his hometown — a crowd of thousands booed lustily last Tuesday. Inside the venue, the reality television star and ringmaster expressed shock at the reaction — shock!

As with all things Donald Trump, I’m dubious.

As Trump meandered through his speech, thousands of people who couldn’t get in to see him congregate­d outside. Some hung on Trump’s every word near a loud speaker; others marched in the parking lot holding signs that said “No Hate in our State” or “Legalize Weed” or “First Graders Support Trump.” Vendors sold campaign buttons and bumper stickers and foam fingers. They sold T-shirts with crude messages about Hillary Clinton that I can’t repeat. At one point, a 15-year-old girl was hit in the face with pepper spray.

But most people didn’t come to cause trouble. They came, as Americans have come since the founding, to listen to a politician, to get a glimpse of celebrity and to be a part of something big. There is hope in that.

Trump has broken many of the “rules” this year, which is one big reason we’re doing something we normally don’t do: We are making recommenda­tions in this spring’s election.

At one time, the Editorial Board made recommenda­tions in all major races and many lesser ones. No more. But the Trump candidacy made it necessary for us to comment in the Republican primary. We said “no” to Trump — the most divisive and ill-suited person to run for president in our lifetimes. We said “yes” to John Kasich, the Ohio governor, who is the only Republican left in the field who has a chance to actually govern.

We also needed to take a stand for open, honest government and point out the questionab­le record of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for president. We asked voters to help us stop Republican leaders in Wisconsin from gutting our open records laws last summer; we’re asking them now to consider Clinton’s record.

We’re sitting out the Democratic presidenti­al primary, though, because we can’t embrace her rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders. The Vermont Democrat would increase taxes dramatical­ly on the promise of free health care and college and other services. The size and breadth of Sanders’ plan — not to mention the size of the tax increase needed — is unrealisti­c, though its goals are commendabl­e.

We also believe that a 10-year term on the state Supreme Court is too valuable in an era when we have lost all checks and balances in state government under David D. Haynes is editorial page editor for the Journal Sentinel. Email Twitter: @DavidDHayn­es

one-party rule. And we can’t afford to step back from the gains made in county government and give power back to an institutio­n that brought us illegally generous pension schemes and the most dysfunctio­nal mental health program in the nation. Finally, there is only one candidate for mayor of Milwaukee — Tom Barrett — who is worthy of the office.

Wisconsin, which looked like it might be a lateprimar­y afterthoug­ht, has turned out to be playing a pivotal role in this year’s presidenti­al race. We still won’t endorse in every race moving forward, but this is a time that calls for taking stands.

Despite the divisivene­ss of the campaigns this year, I’m optimistic. Donald Trump is giving voice to a segment of the electorate that has felt neglected by both parties for a long time. It’s time someone listened. And Sanders is inspiring millions of young adults who are infusing the political process with new ideas and energy. Bravo.

Every time I go to a political rally, I remember why this is such a great country. It’s a great country because on a sunny, bright spring day in Wisconsin, folks can drive to Ryan’s hometown and give him a lusty “boo” if they feel like it. And Paul Ryan has to listen.

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