Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

What this state might mean for Sanders


Democratic presidenti­al contender Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont delivered a rousing campaign address at Carthage College in Kenosha on Wednesday, underscori­ng both his radical reform message and the importance of the upcoming Wisconsin primary on Tuesday.

The candidate was introduced by state Sen. Bob Wirch, a labor union veteran and Democratic Party stalwart. Sanders spoke to a full house at the college’s Tarble Athletic and Recreation Center. Vocal animal rights advocates briefly interrupte­d the proceeding­s, and were escorted out by police.

Sanders’ policy address was frequently interrupte­d by powerful applause. Many of his remarks addressed economic concerns, including in particular the income divide between the very richest and the rest of the population.

Inequality was described as greater than at any time since 1928. He cited dramatic contrasts between rich and poor, including the point that the richest 20 people — people, not percent — in the U.S. have as much wealth as the entire bottom half of our nation’s population.

The senator attacked a “rigged economy,” where powerful financial and industrial interests dominate the system. He singled out the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission, which has ended any restrictio­ns on political campaign funding by corporatio­ns, unions and other interests.

References to opponent Hillary Clinton were generally cast in economic policy terms. They included the point that she has received honoraria of $225,000 per speech by Wall Street groups. He urged that the transcript­s of those speeches be released.

The Clinton campaign has fundraisin­g super PACs, while the Sanders campaign has none. Sanders received six million contributi­ons over the past eleven months, at an average amount of $27.

Sanders touched on a range of additional reform topics. They include “Medicare for all,” equality regarding gender and race and free university tuition. He contrasted his vote against invading Iraq in 2003 with support for the war by then-Sen. Clinton.

The Wisconsin presidenti­al primary historical­ly often has been a good indicator of success in securing the party nomination. In 1960, Sen. John F. Kennedy emphasized the state. His Wisconsin victory, followed by another big win in West Virginia, made JFK the clear frontrunne­r. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry received a boost from Wisconsin and went on to secure the Democratic presidenti­al nomination. In 2008, Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama were nominated after Wisconsin wins.

Republican presidenti­al candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower achieved an enormous gain through winning the 1952 Wisconsin primary. Ike’s great popularity often obscures the fact that initially he faced an uphill battle to secure the nomination from Sen. Robert Taft.

Defeat in Wisconsin, or fear of defeat there, also has significan­tly influenced presidenti­al politics. Wendell Willkie, the Republican nominee who ran against President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940, had similar aspiration­s in 1944 — until his defeat in Wisconsin. President Lyndon Johnson, following a relatively poor showing in the New Hampshire primary against insurgent Sen. Eugene McCarthy, decided to withdraw from the campaign and retire from the White House after polls indicated certain defeat in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin early in the 20th century establishe­d the first mandatory presidenti­al primary, and one of the very first in the nation. Since then, primaries have become pervasive, yet Wisconsin continues to play often distinctiv­e roles in the nomination process.

According to the Marquette Law School Poll, Sanders leads Clinton narrowly in Wisconsin going into the primary election.

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