Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Give Brewers benefit of the doubt


This is going to come off as contrary to everything you have a right to expect as a Milwaukee Brewers fan — and especially if you buy tickets — but don’t get your hopes up for 2016.

It’s Year 1 of a massive rebuild, which means the Brewers almost certainly will lose many more games than they will win. Most are predicting between 65 and 75 victories, with the latter nearing the outer edge of optimism.

Really, though, does it matter whether they go 68-94 or 73-89?

Success this year won’t be measured in wins and losses or by how many games the Brewers finish behind the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals in the National League Central. It will be measured by how quickly the team’s core of young players improves and jells.

That’s the company line, and it sounds like a cop-out.

But it also happens to be true.

Let’s face it, the old way wasn’t working. A runof-the-mill roster can’t be fixed with the occasional fringe free agent. Most of the players the Brewers have signed in recent years have neither overwhelme­d nor underwhelm­ed. They’ve just whelmed. If an owner can’t spend hundreds of millions — and Mark Attanasio falls into that category — better to invest the money in the farm system.

So the Brewers, under new general manager David Stearns and with Attanasio’s blessing, blew up their roster and are starting over.

Thanks to the jettisonin­g of veterans in a flurry of trades, there is an abundance of talented young players in the minorleagu­e system. How many — and how quickly — they make it into the Brewers’ lineup is the great unknown. Shortstop Orlando Arcia is a sure bet for 2016 and outfielder Brett Phillips is on the fast track. A couple pitchers could be ready in a year or two.

Stearns helped orchestrat­e a similar rebuild in Houston, but there is no scientific formula for this thing. Players don’t develop at the same rate and many never live up to their scouting reports. In so many ways, a team building from the ground up has to get lucky.

If all goes well, perhaps the Brewers will be serious contenders in three years. Yes, that’s a long time to wait.

In the meantime, the team is asking its fans to be patient. This is not a new request. The franchise is nearly a half-century old, has won just two playoff series and has failed to reach .500 in 30 of 47 seasons. And you’d have to be nearly 40 to remember that lone World Series appearance, way back in 1982.

For Brewers fans, patience comes with the territory. It’s a remarkable testament to their loyalty that the team has drawn at least 2.5 million to Miller Park every year since 2007 and 2 million or more in all but two of the last 15 years.

Many of those years, there was a reasonable expectatio­n that the Brewers would hang with the NL’s top teams. They can make no such promise this year. The hope is that fans enjoy watching young, talented players bust their behinds and become skilled major leaguers.

Just because they don’t win big right away doesn’t mean they won’t be entertaini­ng. Domingo Santana has the tools to be a highly productive outfielder. Arcia and Phillips, when they come up, will be fun to watch. There are good young arms in the rotation and in the bullpen.

This is the course the Brewers have set, and there is no turning back.

Eventually, patience does wear thin. But for now, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.

 ??  ?? Gary D’Amato Success this year won’t be measured in wins and losses or by how many games the Brewers finish behind the Chicago Cubs and St.
Louis Cardinals in the National League Central.
Gary D’Amato Success this year won’t be measured in wins and losses or by how many games the Brewers finish behind the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals in the National League Central.

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